Greek? Roman? What's next, Etruscan?

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I've gotten so little sleep in the last few days- night work is hell when you're also doing day work.

Anyways, you may notice the tags for my fic have been updated. Hope you enjoy the Chapter!

Come yell at me on my tumblr: Percabeth4Life
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Medusa held a basket at her side, her dress a traditional chiton. Her face was too far to see, but the hands flashed bronze in the light and the gold wings were impossible to miss.

"That's- that's Medusa-" Annabeth hissed. "But she looks- she looks different- we met Medusa, she didn't have the appearance from Pseudo-Apollodorus like this one does-"

"Psuedo-Apollodorus?" I muttered.

"One of the ancient Greek myths," She hissed. "But she- this one fits that description- the gold wings and bronze hands... and if she's truly like that description then her face as a whole is deadly to look at. But she- we met Medusa and she's not here-"

"Yeah," I muttered. "She's off to kill abusers."

"How niccce," Martha hissed, coiling tighter around my arm.

Annabeth opened her mouth, paused, shot me a look, then shook her head.

"I don't understand... but we need to be careful..."

I swallowed, watching the woman casually pluck a few apples off a tree.


"Yessss, ssstay hidden and essscape sssoon."

She finished off an apple, lazily plucking each seed out and popping it into her mouth. She finished three apples than carefully placed the other three in a basket at her hip.

She placed the basket under a tree and stretched, twisting side to side then stretching her arms up high, then in front of her.

Her bronze hands gleamed in the light as she arched up, her gold wings stretching out. They flashed, feathers highlighted in the sun light. I winced at the light in my eyes.

And then she turned to look directly at the bushes we were hiding in.

"You think I can't smell you?" she asked.

Despite the way her movements were filled with an easy grace, a lazy confidence, her voice was cold as ice.

"Come out, little Demigods."

I flicked my waterskin's lid off, sharing a look with Annabeth.

"You have no choicccce," Martha hissed.

Annabeth swallowed but nodded, and we stood. Annabeth winced, staggering slightly, and I offered her a hand of support.

She leaned on me as we straightened, one hand on her ribs.

Martha tightened on my arm. "Do not look up."

We faced the gorgon, careful to keep our gaze down so that we wouldn't see her face. Her feet drew closer, each step smooth and quick. I twisted my wrist deftly, my heart in my throat as I formed an opaque shield. It was clear enough to see through but distorted enough to protect us... hopefully.

She stalked right up to the shield, her gold wings glittering and her snake hair shifting with an audible hiss. I took a shaky breath.

The stiffness was now obviously her, catching in my joints and cracking over my skin. Though it was still different than before... there was no olive oil thick in my mouth like the Medusa we'd met before had.

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