There's More Tatov-Avero Going On

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Whoops missed Monday... because I got sick again... this is what happens when I'm around people. I am thankfully mostly better now, so I give it at least a week before I'm sick again.

Hope you enjoy!

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Now, you may be wondering. What does Tatov-Avero mean? It's not actually accurate to the situation you see, because tatov means whale, not bull. But the word for bull in Halmaheran, Pelio, is shared with the word for Minotaur and sacrifice, so it's a bit weird to put with avero. Plus, we don't really have to worry about bulls in the ocean. So, whale make more sense.

Why was this relevant? Because I was not dealing with whales at the camp boarder, I was dealing with two life-sized, celestial bronze bulls. That breathed fire.

"This isn't good," Annabeth said as we paused to watch the battle raging on the hill.

The bulls were raging over the hill, breathing fire on the campers in full battle armor defending it. The campers were clearly losing, and were in desperate need of help, but I still faltered.

Annabeth was clearly noticing the same thing as me based on her expression.

"The bulls-" I hesitated.

"They're going through the barrier," Annabeth agreed grimly.

And they were, even as we watched one charged over the top of the hill to attack one of the campers.

That shouldn't have been possible. Even before Thalia's death there were magical protections on the camp that made it harder for them to enter, with Thalia's death it was all but impossible. So how were the bulls crossing the border?

"Boarder patrol to me!" shouted a familiar gruff voice.

What boarder patrol?

"Clarisse," Annabeth said. "Come on, we have to help."

I nodded. Though I wasn't really a fan of Clarisse, I wasn't about to let her get flambeed by the bulls.

I flicked the lid off my water skin and dropped my bags by Tyson.

"Stay here," I told him. "We can handle this."

"No!" Annabeth cried. "We need his help."

"He's just a kid Kyklopes!?"

"He's fire-proof. Percy do you know what those are up there?"

"Big metal bulls?"

She huffed, "I forget sometimes you know all kinds of things about the sea and basically nothing about land. Those are the Kolkhis bulls, made by Hephaestus Himself. We can't fight them without serious fire protection."

"Okay, but we don't have that so-"

"If I had Medea's Sunscreen SPF 50,000 we'd be fine, but since I don't we need the Kyklopes."

"His name is Tyson," I snapped.

"Fine, whatever, but we need his help."

I glanced at him, then back at the bulls. Tyson may have been fire-proof but he was a young Kyklopes. Could I really send him into battle?

"I can help," Tyson assured me.

I bit my lip, "Fine. But don't take any chances Tyson."

I pulled my charm and let my trident grow into my hand. "Let's go."

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