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-Asami's POV-

We arrive back at Shoto's house and everyone goes to the dinning room. I run to the kitchen where Mr. Todoroki allowed me to store Shoto's food. I grab the container and run back to the dinning room. "Thank you baby." He kisses me and I smile sitting down. "I hope it's good. I haven't really cooked in a while." I blush sitting next to him. "It's amazing." he slurps on the noddles and I chuckle. "Soooo you guys! We have the rehearsal dinner tomorrow evening!" Fuyumi says clapping her hands as Me and Shoto eat. 

"I don't understand why it must be tomorrow, It's Asami's birthday I was hoping to take her our for dinner." Shoto says and I smile. "We're going out with Liam and Alex and their girlfriends tomorrow remember? And Deku and ururaka and Bakugo and Kiri are coming?" I ask and he sighs. "Yes." He mumbles and I chuckle. "Be ready by 9 for the dinner, Like at the restaurant, in your seats at 9. We have press there and we can't have you be late." Mr. Todoroki says and I nod.

"We'll be there sir." I say with a nod. "Little Liam and Alex have girlfriends! Aw how sweet!" Mom squeals and I nod. "I've only recently started talking to them again but yeah they've grown up so much." I say and she smiles. "That's amazing! I can't wait to see them at the wedding." She says and I hum. "Isn't it weird that one of Asami's bridesmaids is Shoto's ex?" Natsuo asks looking over a guest list Fuyumi had 

"No." Shoto says plainly and I chuckle. "Momo? I forgot you two dated." Fuyumi says and he huffs. "Didn't she cheat on you?" Natsuo asks and Shoto blushes. "No Natuso she didn't cheat on me. I broke up with her before she could." He says and I laugh. "she's with Jiro now and we dated for like 2 weeks." Shoto mumbles and I stare at him. "2 weeks.." I mumble and he looks to me. "Yeah it wasn't too serious." He says and I think. he said he had sex with Momo, and he made it sound like it happened a few times... It never bother mer before that Momo and him have done it but... Now I feel a little self conscious. 

Momo is so beautiful! She's smart and beautiful and very sexy. What if I'm not good enough? I mean, I've never done anything like that before willingly. What if I chicken out? What if I can't be good enough for him in that way? I don't want to disappoint him... "What are you thinking about?" Shoto breaks me from my thoughts and I look to him. "Oh nothing! Are you done with your food?" I ask and he nods. "Ok good! I got you a gift! Come with me!" I grab his hand and we stand up. "Night everyone! See you tomorrow!" I wave and we run out of there to his room before anyone can say anything. 

"What's the rush?" Shoto asks and I bring him to his bedroom. "I just want to be alone with you, is that so bad?" I chuckle and he shakes his head "not at all. Lemme see what you got me!" He says and I laugh. We get on the bed and I drawl to the side grabbing the envelope I left here for him. "Here!" I hand him the envelope and he looks at me. He opens it up and pulls out the picture I drew for him. It was a picture of me and him standing in front of a stary night sky holding hands. "You drew this?" He smiles wide at the picture and I nod. "I worked hard on it! I wanted it to be perfect, I even bought new water colors just for this." I say and he smiles. "This... It's absolutely perfect my love." He says and stands up. "I have the perfect place for it." He grabs a thumb tack and hangs it on the wall right next to his side of the bed and smiles back at me. 

"I love it.." He crawls on the bed and kisses me. "I love you." I whisper and he smiles. "Come here." I grab him and was roll onto the bed kissing. We lay next to each other. Legs tangled together, arms wrapped around each other. As our kiss got more heated things started to slow down. He gently moves his hands down my back and I let out a breath through my nose. I want to show him how much I love him, I want to prove to him I love him... 

I push his hands down to my ass and he pulls away from the Kiss. "Oh?" He asks and I chuckle. "You can touch it's alright." I whisper smashing my lips to him. I move so I'm straddling his lap as he lays down. He gropes at my ass with one hand while the other glides up my back. I start grinding my body to his letting out soft breath and whimpers as I go. This was a lot... I knew where I was trying to lead this and I was scared. I didn't mind Shoto touching me like this but sometimes it's hard to not think of Akio.  I don't want to but he just pops into my head, things he would say, the way he touched me... it was scary.

His hand slides up my shirt and I push away from him. He pulls off his shirt and I pull off mine. The more we go on the more nervous I get. I just want to do this! Not just for him but for me. I need to know Sex and stuff isn't scary, I need to see it's ok. We grind out bodies together. He hands slipping into my bra. I gasp a little but push through and keep kissing him as he fondles and plays with one of my boobs. I furrow my eyebrow as flashes of past experience with Akio come to mind. 

I feel tears in my eyes and I try to keep up with out kiss. I run my fingers through his hair and het weeks my nipple. I feel tears fall from my eyes and I try to push through but I couldn't go on. My lips fall from his and I let out a sob as I put my head into his neck. "A-asami?" He asks and pulls his hands from me. He cups my cheek and looks me. "I'm sorry.." I whisper and try to kiss him but he leans away. "W-what's wrong?" He asks and I shake my head. "I just want to show you I love you and be intimate with you but it's so hard sometimes." I cry and he hugs me. 

"I just want to be good enough. I want to give you everything you want but I can't do this. I'm trying I am but it's so hard sometimes." I sob and he just holds me. "I'm sorry... I tried." I say and he nods. "You did so well." He says and rocks my body. "You're doing so well. You've gotten so much better! But don't feel the need to push yourself to far just because you think that's what I want! All I want is you... How many times do I need to tell you I don't want sex." He says to me but I shake my head. 

"But with Momo-" "I was 16! I was too young for that... I wish I waited... I wish I didn't. With Momo it was literally just sex. I want it to be special with you. Especially with everything you've been though baby... You are so strong and amazing. I want you to be ready. If we wait the rest of our lives, if it never happens, if it happens tomorrow, I don't care! You work at your own pace my love. We're in this for the long haul, we have time." He whispers and hugs me tighter. "I'm not getting any better..." I cry and he rubs my back. "Yes you are!" He says and I shake my head. 

"yes you are! Look at yourself. We were just making out, You let me touch you... And you didn't freak out." He says and I sniffles. "Yes I did! Look at me." I say moving my head to look at him. "I'm a mess." I say and he cups my cheek. "You're sitting in front of me in a bra. Do you think, even 2 months ago? You could do this?" he asks and I look away. "no.." I say and he nods. "exactly! You're growing..." He whispers and presses his forehead to mine. 

"You can't except things to just change over night. This is a life time of abuse you're trying to undo... it's gonna take some time. And maybe one day, you'll be ready." He smiles at me and I whip my nose. "You promise you're not upset with me?" I ask and he smiles. "Not ever." He kisses me and I smile. "UGH!" I groan and flop onto his chest. "What?" He asks with a laugh. "YOU'RE TOO SWEET!" I yell into his chest and he laughs. "Only for you. Trust me." He says and I laugh. "I love you." I say kissing him. "I love you too..." He smiles hugging me close to his body... 

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