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-Asami's POV-

"Asami..." I wake up to kisses on my face and neck. I smile a little when I realize it's Shoto. "Wake up baby.." He whispers in my ear and I let out a happy sigh. I turn around after opening my eyes and see Shoto laying next to me, with disheveled hair, sleepy eyes and I small smile. "Happy birthday." He whispers and I laugh. "Thank you shoto.." I smile and he kisses my forehead. He cuddles me close to him, the morning sun peaking through his curtains and the slight summer breaze blowing through his widow. 

"How's it feel to be 18?" he asks and I laugh. "Same as 17." I say and he chuckles. "You look so beautiful when you sleep." He says and I laugh. "As if, I drool and sleep with my mouth open like a beast." I say and he kisses my nose. "My beast." He says and I giggle. "HAHA! Guess who let me and your mother stay over last night so we can spend the morning with you all!" Hawks bursts into his room and we yell. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I scream as I;m dragged from the bed. "Happy birthday!" Hawks smiles throwing me over his shoulder. 

"SHOTO BURN HIM!" I yell as I'm carried out to the living room. "Alright put her down." I'm wrapped in something else and dragged away from hawks. I look up after spinning around and see Aizawa. "Thank you." I sigh and he pats my head. "Would you stop throwing her around?" Shoto asks Hawks and He laughs. "She's so small though." He says and I stare at him. "I'm 5'9! I'm not tiny! I'm taller than you!" I yell at Hawks and he shrugs. "Itty bitty." He pats my head and I roll my eyes. 

"Sorry were you sleeping?" Mom comes around him and hugs me. "No I just woke up." I say and she smiles. "Happy birthday my love." She kisses my cheek and I smile. "Thanks Mommy.." I say and she smiles. "You're coming to my place tonight after the dinner tonight right?" Aizawa asks me and I look to him. "Yup!" I say and he smiles. "Good, Eri made you something for your birthday. She is... VERY excited that you are coming to stay with us." He says and I smile. "Thank you again. I'm happy I get to stay with you guys." I say and wrap my arm around his waist. "Of course, We're happy to have you." He wraps an arm around me and we look to the group. 

"Listen." mr. Todoroki comes over with Mrs. Todoroki and we all look to them. "Tonight, We are all a family... Is suppose." He says and I chuckle. "The press knows nothing of the arrangement, Nobody is to mention it to anyone." He says and we all nod. "Asami." He looks at me and I tense, His stare is so intense. "You will be asked a lot of questions, Mostly about the wedding, But there is not a doubt in my mind someone will mention your brother. And especially with your sister in law and her daughter coming tonight I feel like it will be brought up. if you are uncomfortable answering questions about it, Put your mic on the table and sit down. I will escort them out and handle it." He tells me and I nod. 

"Yes sir." I say and he nods. "People should just mind their own business." Shoto huffs next to me and I nod. "But it is inevitable. No matter what I do if I'm in the public eye this will be talked about. I'm technically still the CEO of the business until I sell it. This is something that's gonna follow me the rest of my life if I like it or not. There is nothing I can do about it. Especially with all those pictures and videos circulating around the internet? It's not something that'll go away." I say leaning more into Aizawa's hold. "I'm sorry.." Mom holds my hand and I look to her. 

"I should've-" "You couldn't do anything." I say cutting her off and she looks to me. "I'm fine. Akio did what he did, I did what I did. I should've done a lot of things differently but there is nothing I can do to stop it. All I can do now is not worry so much, I can't regret everything I do for the rest of my life or I'll be miserable. I suggest everyone do the same. There is no point." I smile at her and she nods looking away. I know she's ashamed but I hope one day we can all move past this. "We need to get ready and go to the cafe!" I say to Shoto changing the subject. "Yes please." He grabs my hand and I smile. "Thank you for the birthday wishes! I promise we'll all be at the restaurant at 8:30!" I wave at everyone and they smile giving me birthday wishes and good Lucks. 


(Asami's Birthday fit^^^)

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(Asami's Birthday fit^^^)

"ASAMIIII!" I see Ururaka as we enter the cafe along with the the rest of our friends. "Back off girly, Asami was my bestie first." Liam says and Ururaka scoffs. "Yeah well I'm her maid of honer!" She smirks and I roll my eyes. "Happy birthday!" Alex smiles and wraps me in a hug as we walk to the table. "Hey guys! Thanks for coming!" I say and hug everyone. "No hugs. Happy birthday or whatever." Bakugo says and high fives me instead "Fair enough." I chuckle and walk to Liam. 

"Babe! Meet my babe!" Liam says introducing me to his girlfriend. "Hi! I'm Alana, It's nice to meet you." She shakes my hand and I smile. "its so good to finally meet the girl who can control this asshole!" I say and she laughs. "I think about dumping him everyday don't worry." She says and I laugh. "I'm hurt come on babe you love me!" Liam says twirling Alana around and she giggles. "Yeah back up bitches. Asami this is my girlfriend Maliyah!" Alex smiles and I wave to the girl. 

"I've heard so many stories about you I feel like I know you already! it's great to finally meet you." Maliyah says and I smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you too!" I say and she pulls me into a hug. "Oh!" I laugh and hug her back. "I'm a hugger sorry!" She giggles and I shake my head. "It's all good and well." I say and we all sit with Shoto's friends. "Happy birthday Asami!" Midoryia says and I smile. 

"Thank you Midoryia! How are you guys doing?" I ask and he shrugs. "Fine, Excited to get to work though!" He says and Kirishima laughs. "Same! I can't wait to get to Fat's agency to kick so villain butt!" Kiri says and I laugh. "You 3 are going to endeavors Agency yeah?" I ask Bakugo, Midoryia, and Shoto. "Yeah sadly." Shoto mumbles and I laugh. "I'm just happy I don't have to be a fucking Sidekick again!" Bakugo barks and I laugh. "Thats right! I forgot you guys are like heroes low key!" Alex says and I nod. 

"Best in the business." I say with a smile. "Why can't you be a hero?" Alana asks Liam and he gasps. "Babe, I am a hero!" He smirks and she rolls her eyes. "Saving a cat from a tree doesn't make you a hero." She says and he laughs. "You have never seen any hero movies then!" He smirks and winks at her. "What are you up to now Asami? You graduate early and leave us dumbasses in the dust." Alex says and I chuckle. "She's studying to be an astronomer." Shoto says holding my hand. "Really! Just like you always wanted!" Alex smiles and I nod. 

"Yeah it's great! I'm leaning a lot." I blush and look down. "Oh yeah I wanted to thank you for inviting all of us to the wedding last minute! Sorry if it was a bother." Maliyah says and I shake my head. "Not at all! I wanted you all there!" I smile. "And any excuse to rack my fathers credit card bill the better." Shoto says and we laugh at him. "How long have you guys all known each other?" Ururaka asks me and I think. "Going way back.. I knew Liam from pre-school and Alex and me used to live on the same street till I moved in with Akio." I say and she nods. 

"yeah we go way back!" Liam high fives me and I roll my eyes. "You're a goddess, I can barley stand this idiot 5 minutes of the day." Alana tells me and I laugh. "That's like Deku and Bakugo right babe?" Ururaka asks Midoryia and he blushes. "We've known each other that long. I wouldn't say me and Deku are friends." Bakugo says and Kiri laughs at him. "That's because me and Bakugo are best friends." Shoto says and I laugh. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU WE AREN'T FRIENDS YOU ICY-HOT BASTARD!" Bakugo yells and Kiri holds him back. 

"You don't have to say it Bakugo I know you are my best friend because you agreed to be one of my best men. Best friends for life." Shoto says holding back a laugh and I laugh at them. "I hate you with a burning passion." "I love you too Katsuki." "DON'T USE MY FIRST NAME!" They go back and forth with each other and the rest of us laugh at them. This is exactly what I want for my birthday, With all my friends, laughing and joking, exchanging old stories and having a good day. I Love it... 

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