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TW: Sexual assault warning!

-Todoroki's POV-

"When are you guys going out on your date?" Midoryia asks me as we walk back to the dorms after school. "On Friday. I made us reservations for a restaurant I thought she might like. And I got her a gift." I smile looking down. "That's really nice of you Todoroki! I'm sure she'll have so much fun!" Tsu tells me and I smile a little. "I'm gonna go tell her I'm back from school." I say before walking to the elevator and going upstairs. I walk to her door and I was about to knock but I heard a loud thud. 

"Asami?" I press my ear to the door and listen. "Akio please I'm not comfortable with this..." I hear Asami crying. Akio... I believe that was her brothers name? "Akio please, I'm engaged and I've told you I don't like when you do this..." Asami sounded like she was crying. I try to stay quiet and keep listening. "You called me in the middle of my busy day to ask me for money, now you have to repay me little sister." I hear her brother speak and I quirk an eyebrow. 

"Please A-akio I don't like when you do this!" Asami cries and I grab the doorknob. "Shut it. You may be Shoto's wife, but you'll always be my baby sister. Right my good girl?" Akio laugh and I furrow my eyebrows. I jiggle the doorknob. "Asami? Hey are you in there? I'm home from school." I say as if I hadn't been listening in. "Hey Shoto!" Akio opens the door and smiles at me. He runs his fingers through his hair brushing them away from her sweaty face. "Hello sir. Is Asami in here?" I ask and he nods. "Right here, come on." He pulls her arm and she comes into the doorway. 

"Hello Todoroki.." She sniffles and looks down crossing her arms. She was wearing what looked like a crop top and super short shorts. They looked expensive and new. Did he buy her those. "Well I'll let the young lovers be." he leans over and kisses her cheek and she cringes. "I'll be back soon." He hands her a few hundred dollars and she takes it hesitantly. "Thank you Big brother." She sniffles and he walks past me. I glare at him, we were about eye level and saw him giving me the death glare at he walked past me. 

"Treat her well... Or else." He whispers to me before walking away to the elevator. One he was gone I turn to Asami. "Are you ok?" I ask and she wraps her arms around me. "Thank you." She cries into my neck and I gasp a little. I hug her back and she holds me tighter. "Come on let's sit down." I bring her to her bed and I sit her on my lap. "What happened?" I ask whipping a tear from her face. "N-nothing." She takes a shake breath and I sigh. "I heard something..." I say and she looks at me. 

"I don't want to jump to conclusions... but it didn't sound good." I say and she looks down. "Did he make you wear this?" I ask and she doesn't respond. "Asami." "Please don't push this Shoto. You don't understand." She says and I furrow my eyebrows. "Just respect my privacy." She says laying her head on my shoulder. "I can't just ignore what I think I just heard." I say and rock her body...

~15 years old~

"Akio... Why do I have to wear this just to sleep? It's not very comfortable and it's very reveling." Asami looks in the mirror at herself and Akio slaps her butt. "You look good. Now go to sleep." Akio says and she frowns. She was wearing red lingerie and her hair was all fluffed up that her brother made her wear. "Fine.." She mumbles crawling into bed and covering herself with the blanket. "Sleep tight baby sister." Akio smiles and closes the door. 

She just moved in with her brother after her parents died. His wife Lynn was more than happy to have her stay with them and Akio was ecstatic to be having his younger sister stay with them. In the middle of the night, once Lynn and Asami were both fast asleep Akio snuck into Asami's room. He walks to her bed slowly after locking her door. He pulls the covers off her body gently and smiles at her. The way she sleeps with her hands above her head, how she put her body on display for anyone to see. Well that's how he saw it anyways, any normal person would see this and think it's just a 15 year old girl sleeping. 

He pulls out his phone and puts on his flash for his camera. He snaps a. few photos of her, the flash waking her up. "mmm... A-akio? What do you want?" Asami yawns as she wakes up, that's when Akio began recording. "Akio? What is it?" She sits up rubbing her eyes and looking up at him. "W-why are you recording me?" She ask and he smirks. He gropes her chest and she gasps. "Stop it!" She slaps his hand away and yells so he slaps her and she yelps. 

"Just sit there and look pretty for me." He whispers and moves her so she's sitting on the edge of the bed. "Look at you... Are you afraid?" He asks and she nods. "You're afraid right now?" He asks rubbing hand on her thigh making sure to get everything on camera. "Yes..." She sniffles and Akio laughs. "So pretty.." He whispers and spreads her legs trying to show her whole body. "Akio I want to go to sleep." She cries and he smiles. He turns off the video and stands. "I got everything I want. Sleep well pretty girl." He kisses her cheek and she moves away. He leaves her room and she sits alone on her bed. She locks her door and crawls in the bed covering her body with the blanket... 

~Present day~

"Tell me about your relationship with you brother Asami." I ask her and she looks down. "I don't want to." She cries and I hold her. "What if I promised nothing bad would happen to you." I say and she shakes her head. "I don't want to ." She says agains hurrying her face into my chest. "It's alright.." I rock her body as she cries. "I'll talk to Mr. Aizawa. I'll figure this out ok? I don't wanna jump to conclusions but I think I know what's going on. And I'm gonna stop it." I say and she doesn't say anything. "Why don't you get dressed?" I ask and she nods. "Please wait out side for me?" She asks closing her curtains and I nod. 

"I'm right there nobody is coming in." I say and she nods. I leave and wait for her to come and get me before she brings me back in her room. "All better?" I ask and she nods. She put on a sweatshirt and sweatpants and I smile. "Much better." I smile and pick her up. I lay us down in bed and she lays her head on my chest. "This is nice..." She whispers and I rub her back. "Isn't it?" I ask and she hums. "I promise I'll help you Asami. If you want it or not." I say and she grips my shirt. "It's alright..." I rub her back and she closes her eyes. "I've got you.." I close my eyes as we hold each other in her bed... 

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