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-Todoroki's POV-
I stand in the field alone staring up at the stars and sigh. "Fuck." I sigh rubbing my eyes. I fucked up severely. I can't believe I just left her. I LEFT HER AT OUT WEDDING! I'm the worst boyfriend in the whole world. "SHOTO!" I hear yelling and I turn around. "I can't see are you there?" She yells and I hold up my hand lighting a fire. "Here!" I yell and she runs to me. "AH BITCH MOTHER FUCKER STUPID DRESS!" She yells as she approaches me.

She huffs getting to me and I blush. I stare down at her. She's so beautiful in her dress. I see it was all muddy and messed up at the bottom from the field and I sigh. "Damn it." I sigh and put out my fire. I go to hug her but she steps back from me. "No." She crosses her arms and stares at me. "You left me Shoto. I was walk down the aisle and you weren't there." She says and I look down ashamed. "I know. I'm sorry." I say and look at her. "It's just... I saw all those people and I got cold feet. Marriage is just... it's such a big commitment. I mean, I've had no time to process everything! Just 2 months and you've had 5 years to think and accept this!" I say and she stares at me.

"YOU THINK I WANTED THIS!" She yells fluffing up her dress. "Shoto we were both forced into this! And if you didn't want the big wedding we could've have ran away TOGETHER! But instead you just left ME to deal with the guests, you're father. And on top of that embarrassment! There was a moment when... I just..." she shakes her head and looks down. "If you don't love me. And you don't want to be with me, then you need to tell me know. Because we're still getting married. But I need to know if I have a partner, or if I just have a husband." She says staring at me. My heart shatters as I look at her. Her face looked like it did when we first met. Emotionless, blank. Broken.

"No no no baby.." I walk to her and grab her body. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left you." I hold her but she doesn't hold me back. "I'm sorry. I love you I love you so much. I'm sorry I left you." I say and hug her tight. "You're Everything I want. Everything I need. I don't want to be without you! I'm sorry just getting married in front of all those people was... it was terrifying! But I'll go back right now I don't give a fuck! You're the love of my life. I'd give anything to marry you right here right now." I say and look at her. "Please don't be upset. I love you with all my heart, more then I've even loved anyone." I whisper and she wraps her arms around my neck.

"I knew you'd say that." She smiles and kisses me. I kiss her back holding her waist and she hums. "I love you too Shoto." She whispers and I hear a beep. Our family and friends walk onto the field. My father making torches to set up. "Surprised?" She asks me and I chuckle. "How do you already know me so well?" I ask spinning her around. "A good wife knows her husband." She winks and I laugh. "Everyone step back please!" She yells pushing me away. She pulls up her hair and activates her quirk making her hair turn to lava. She pulls lava from the ground burning the grass around it. She lets out a breath and the lava turns to hard rock and she deactivates her quirk. "There. An aisle to walk down. And a dance floor." She smiles and puts her hands on her hips.

"How'd I get so lucky." I grab her from behind and turn her around. "Not so lucky yet, gotta put a ring on it first mister." She boops my nose and I chuckle. "You idiot! What did we tell you about breaking her heart!" Liam and alex run up to us and she holds up her hands. "Calm yourselves please!" She laughs and the huffs at us. "Everything is just fine. This is exactly what I wanted. A kiss underneath the stars." Asami says looking up at the sky. "I'm sorry everyone. I really didn't like the big crowd and I got nervous." I say to our family and friends.

"It's ok baby. We're sorry we put so much pressure on you. Right Enji?" Mom elbows dad and he huffs. "Yes yes very sorry." He mutters and Asami giggles. "Well can we please get this over with now! I'm fucking tired!" Bakugo yells and I smile. "Sure lets do this already." I say and they all cheer for us...

-No one's POV-
Everyone gets set up in their spots. Jiro plays music from her phone and everyone looks back at Todoroki. His mother and father walk him down the aisle and drop him in the front. "Good luck baby." Rei says kissing his cheek. "I'm very proud of you son." Enji says and Todoroki smiles softly. The music changes and everyone looks back. Asami and Aizawa walk arm in arm down the aisle. Todoroki's heart flutters when he see's Asami.

He knew in his heart that she was the one he wanted to be with. She makes her way down to the front next to Todoroki. She turns to aizawa and he nods. "Good work kid." He whispers and Asami hugs him. "Thank you Sir." She whispers and Aizawa hugs her back. "Thank you." He whispers and pats her back. He lets her go before shaking Todoroki's hand. He walks back to Eri and the couple looks at each other.

"Ok, I do believe we are ready now." The Minister says and they turn to him. "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Asami Fujimoto and Shoto Todoroki in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace." The minister says and nobody speaks up. "Now for the rings!" The minister says and the couple turns to the side.

Midoriya hands Todoroki a ring and Ururaka hands Asami a ring before they turn back to each other. "Now. Shoto Todoroki. Do you solemnly swear to have and to hold, vow to be a faithful partner, in good times and bad, in joy and in sorrow, through sickness and in health, Forever in the arms of Asami Fujimoto?" The minister asks and Todoroki nods. "I do." He says slipping the ring onto her finger.

"And do you Asami Fujimoto Do solemnly swear to have and to hold, vow to be a faithful partner, in good times and bad, in joy and in sorrow, through sickness and in health, Forever in the arms of Shoto Todoroki?" The minister asks and Asami smiles. "I do" she says slipping the ring onto Todoroki's finger. "Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife! You may now kiss the bride!" The minister says and Shoto grabs her waist. She wraps her arms around his neck pulling him down, they kiss sealing their faith in the marriage. Everyone around them cheers and the couple pulls away from each others lips. They smile At each other and press their foreheads together.

"I love you Mr. Todoroki." Asami says with a small smirk. "I love you too. Mrs. Todoroki." Shoto says and they kiss once more..


Arranged marriage (Todoroki X OC)Where stories live. Discover now