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-Todoroki's POV-

"Just in time you two. Are your friends inside already?" Father asks and we nod. "Yes sir." Asami smiles and he nods. "Good. I'll be inside waiting, you two will enter and we can get started." He says and straightens my tie and I roll my eyes. "This is just like a press conference, no need to call it a rehearsal dinner." I say and he nods. "Call it whatever you want I don't care." He says and I sigh. "It's ok.." Asami grabs my hand and I smile. "You know I still have a birthday present for you.. it's in the car, after this I'll take you too Aizawa's and give it to you there." I whisper to her and she smiles. "I can't wait!" She beams and tightens her grip around my hand. 

"Ok kids see you in there." My father leave us in the parking lot and she sighs. "Can you believe we're getting married next week?" She asks and I shake my head. "Nope..." I say and she chuckles. "I wish we had more time..." She says and leans her head on my shoulder. "Honestly me too..Not cause I don't love you but... I just want to have more time. I want to do it in our own time." I say and she hums. 

"If we're still together we can do something our own way." She says and I smirk. "If?" I ask and she looks up at me. "Who knows, maybe we'll hate each other." She smiles and I kiss her. "Maybe." I say and she laughs. "Lets go." She says as we start walking. We walk around to the inside of the nice restaurant where everything was set up. "They're here!" Someone yells and cameras start flashing for us. Being the son of a pro hero and the CEO of one of the largest businesses in Japan certainly is not as fun as people would think. I'm not much for photos, but she seems to know hoe to deal with it better than me. 

She smiles at a few camera's holding my arm as we walk to out head table with the rest of my family. I see Hawks and her mother at a table with Aizawa and Eri along with a few other pro heroes. I see a table with all out friends at it and they all waved at us. Asami and me sit in between my mother and father while Natsuo and Fuyumi sit on the outside of them. My father stands next to Asami and everyone goes silent. "Hello. And welcome to the rehearsal dinner for my son Shoto, and his fiancé Asami." He says and everyone claps. 

"We are glad you could all make it. Now I'm going to be allowing my future daughter in law take the mic and give a speech she prepared for her future husband. Welcome to out family Asami." He smiles and everyone claps. He Hands Asami the mic and I lean next to her. "You prepared something?" I ask and she shrugs. "nope, but whatever I'll wing it." She says and I chuckle. She stands and clears her throat getting everyones attention. 

"Hello! I'd first off just like to thank everyone for joining me and Shoto and his family tonight on this lovely evening and just taking time out of your day to be a part of this for us." She smiles and everyone claps a little. "I'd also like to thank the entire Todoroki family for helping Shoto and I plan this entire wedding. Without their help this wedding would not be possible and I am forever grateful that I am being welcomed into the family with such loving arms." She smiles and I grabs her hand. She speaks so well for an audience, her voice is so smooth she doesn't sound the least bit nervous but she kept scratching her wrist so I knew she was feeling a little anxious. 

"And lastly thank you to my soon to bus husband Shoto. He is in every sense of the word, A hero." She smiles down at me before looking back to the crowd. "He's helped me in more way then one, Saved me from things and places I didn't think I needed to be saved from. He pushes me to do better, be better. Strive for greatness. I try to do my best because I know he is. He's selfless and brave and just all around amazing. So thank you Shoto. Just for everything." She smiles at me and I blush. Everyone claps as she bends and kisses me lightly. 

"Aren't I amazing at winging it?" She whispers in my ear and I laugh. "The fucking best." I kiss her again and she stands up straight. "Now I see we have some press here. I'm sure we have questions?" She asks and they all come around our table. "What made you two want to get married at such a young age?" A reporter quickly asks and she smiles. "The Fujimoto's and Todoroki's have been lovely family friends since long before we were all born. My father, Akio Fujimoto, was a long time friend of Mr. Todoroki. I've known Shoto my whole life, we've been together for a few years now, and we decided together this is the path our relationship was heading towards next." She says lying through her teeth! 

She's quick on her toes I like that about her. She's ready for every question coming her way. "Her fathers name was also Akio?" I ask mom and she nods. "mhm.." She hums and I nod. "We understand today is your 18th birthday! Do you have anything planned?" A reporter asks and I chuckle. Theses questions aren't too bad. "Me and Shoto along with a few of out close friends went out for a lovely brunch and then we went to a movie earlier today actually. Tonight I plan on spending time with my family." She says and I nod. 

"Speaking of Family!" A male reporter breaks through the crowd and gets closer to her. "What do you have to say about you brother Akio Fujimoto." He asks and everyone goes silent. "What do you mean?" She asks and the reporter smiles. "Well what do you have to say about him? We see his lovely wife and daughter at that table over there... Do you have anything to say about that allegations that he rapped you?" He asks and she stares at him. 

"He didn't rape me." She says and he chuckles. "Let me rephrase. Have anything to say that he sexual assaulted you? Acted inappropriately towards you?" He asks and she looks down clearing her throat. "I knew that I'd have to address this one day. I was hoping it wouldn't be the night of my wedding rehearsal but I suppose you don't care about that do you sir?" She asks and he blushes. "Well I just-" "Just what sir? Because to me it seems like you're getting off on my trauma right now? That little smug shit eating grin you approached me with tells me that you are getting pleasure right now from ruining my night, am I correct?" She asks and he stays silent. 

"To everyone here... What happened to me was not a joke. It's not funny. This is a serious issue that should have stayed with in the walls of my families house. I know very well that I'm not the only one who was affected by this! My sister in law lost a husband, My niece lost a father, My families business lost a CEO. There are so many people who were affected by this and you have the nerve to come to a dinner that is supposed to be commenting love and you feel like you have a right to ruin all of our nights?" She asks and the reporter stares at her speechless. 

"I, Asami Fujimoto, Was sexual assaulted by my half older brother Akio Fujimoto. It started when I was a child. I was scared to speak out about it. I knew it was going to ruin my whole family and The only thing I have ever wanted is for everyone to be happy. If it meant I was going to be hurt then so be it. I just wanted everyone to be safe and happy... And what I "have to say" About it, Is that what happened to me, Was a violation. My dignity, my pride, my innocence was ruined by this. We all have to live with this the rest of our lives. Those pictures of me now live on the internet forever and there is not a single thing I can do about it! And now you come in here, you're given a free meal, you get to have a nice cover for whatever stupid tabloid new article you work for, and you decide to ruin it. Because you sir. Are an asshole." She points to him and he blushes. 

"You're an asshole. And a bad human being. There was no need to do this. But you've officially ruined my night, My fiancés night, and everyone in this rooms night. And my birthday. How do you feel?" She holds the mic to him and he just stares at her shocked. "Go on, you had a lot to say before? What's different now?" She asks with a smirk and he clears his throat. "Thank you for your comment." He blushes looking down ashamed and she nods. "You may now leave if you don't want to my future father in law and husband will escort you out themselves followed by Hawks, Eraser head, and all the pro heroes that are here tonight. Would you like that sir?" She asks and me and My father stand up. 

"No I'll be leaving now!" He runs out of the restaurant and she hums. "If any of you have questions about what happened to me save them. I will no longer be accepting questions about this. Do not bother my sister in law or my niece either. Their are real people behind the stories that you all report on, remember that. Thank you but I think that's all the questions we will be taking tonight." She says and sits down before the reporters say anything else. I look at her and she just stared straight a head, her hands and arms were shaking and she looked like she was holding back tears. 

"It's alright." I turn her body to hug me as camera's flash and reporters yells to speak with her but all the heroes start pushing and escorting them out of the restaurant while the rest of our guest speak themselves. "You did good, you did really good. I'm so proud of you." I rub her back and she lets out a shaky breath. "Did I go too far? Was I too mean?" She asks and I shake my head. "No not at all! He deserved that and you did a really good job my love." I whisper and she hugs me tighter. "I'm so so proud on you.." I say and nods. "Thank you Shoto." She sniffles a little  into my neck and I just hold her. 

That was tough for her, but she did do well. She called him out and put an end to the questions. This will no doubt be all over the tabloids and covers tomorrow and for the next week but that's alright. I am truly so proud of her... 

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