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"Oh god..." I walk into the apartment building "Do you think she's gonna hate me? I should have work something nicer!" I grunt as I look down. I was wearing my normal black skirt and black tank top, it was going into summer and It was warm but still I should have taken some time to get dressed. "You look fine." Aizawa yawns and I sigh. "Sorry I'm just super nervous." I say and he chuckles. "it's alright." we walk up to the apartment number and stop in front of the door. I hear music playing inside. "Oh man..." I bite my lip and smile. "She used to always have music on when she was cooking or cleaning. What if she's busy maybe we should come back another-" "I'm not coming back here." He says and I look at him.

"If you don't do this now I know you never will. So knock on her door or else I'm not bringing you back and you'll have to do this alone." He says to me with a smile. "Ugh I know you're not even joking, You'll make me come back alone." I huff and he laughs. "Yup." He says patting my head. I sigh and quickly knock on the door. "GET THE FUCKING DOOR!" I hear my mom yell and I giggle a little. "I got it!" Someone else yells and the door opens. "Hawks?" Me and Aizawa both ask. "Ohhhh hey, Eraser... Um teenage girl? Good to see ya!" Hawks smiles and me and Aizawa exchange a glance.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him and he looks to me. "I should be asking you that, Who are you?" He asks and I cross my arms. "Asami Fujimoto." I say and his eyes widen. "You're that poor girl from the news! Aw man... I'm so sorry ab-" "Yeah whatever, What are you doing in this apartment! isn't this apparent 307?" I ask looking at the door. "Yeah this is my girlfriends apartment." he says with a smile. "Girlfriend?" Me and Aizawa asks and he nods. "Adriana..." I say and he nods. "Adriana Reyes?" I ask and he nods. "She's 36." I say and he smiles. "Older women are the best kid." he smirks and I shudder. "That's absolutely disgusting." I say and he laughs.

"Why are you two here? Hey wait aren't you engaged to Endeavors kid! How lucky are you!" He smiles wide and I look him up and down. "Wait if my mom's alive then how is my dad not?" I just realized this, Why didn't I think of it sooner. "Can we come in?" Aizawa asks and Hawks nods. "Sure Eraser! Come on in!" He lets us in the apartment and we look around. "Chick-e-dee! we have visitors!" Hawks yells and we follow after him. "WHAT! But I look like shit!" I hear my moms voice and I gasp. "What did I tell you about letting random ass people into my hou-" Mom comes around the corner wearing an apron.

It smelled amazing, she must have been cooking. "Asami...." She stares at me and turns off her music. "Oh so you know her?" hawks asks but we don't break eye contact. I was frozen, Staring at her felt unreal. Am I dead? maybe this is the after life. "Pinch me." I tell Aizawa and he looks down at me. "I can't feel my body." I say and he pinches me. "OW BITCH!" I yell at him. "YOU TOLD ME TO PINCH YOU!" "WHAT WRONG WITH YOUR FINGERS! WHY ARE THEY SO STRONG!" "I'M A HERO" "THAT'S NOT AN EXPLANATION!" We yell back and froth till I feel my mom's arms wrap around me. "Oh my goodness... My baby." She cries into my neck and I gasp.

My body melts, This isn't the after life... "Mommy.." I feel tears in my eyes and I turn to hug her back. "It worked." She cries and I nod. "I knew it wasn't just a dream." I cry and she cups my face. "I didn't know if it worked! You know I can't remember what happens after I wake up if I project! I was worried I didn't get to you." She sobs and I shake my head. "you did! You came to me last night, Shoto thought I was crazy but I knew you were alive I just knew it!" I smile and hold her arms. "What the hell.." Hawks crosses his arms and we look to him. "Why are you acting like I didn't tell you I have a daughter." Mom looks at him and he pouts his lip.

"You didn't tell me you tried to astral-project yourself to her! I knew where she was I would have gotten hero for you!" Hawks yells and she waves him off. "Go turn off the stove!" She yells before dragging me to the living room. We sit on the couch and Aizawa comes and sits next to me. "I'm so glad you found me! This is amazing." She smiles and holds my hands. "But I don't understand! How are you alive? Why are you dating Hawks? What happened to Daddy? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I had so many questions and she just shushed me. "I know... I'm sorry I know you're confused." She says and I nod.

"Me and your father were in an accident but I survived. He died on the spot. I don't know if you remember towards the end but me and your brother used to fight alot." She says and I nod. "No I remember." I say and she nods. "Well he threatened me... He was going to kill you. He told me to disappear, leave you and him alone and pretend to be dead and he wouldn't hurt you. I didn't understand why but he had the gun to your head and... I didn't want him to hurt you." She says and I stare at my hands. "Wait when was this?" I ask and she sighs. "He drugged you, brought you to the hospital... He was ready to kill you." She says and I stare down.

"At the time I didn't understand why... or maybe I did." She sniffles and squeezes my hands. "I'm sorry..." she says and I nod. "No really my baby. You tried to tell me and daddy but we didn't listen. I'm sorry... I should have known he was... attracted to you." She says and I shrug. "It's not your fault Mommy. And I really don't want to worry about that now. I just want to be with you again." I say and she nods. "You know whats funny, if you waited like 2 weeks you would have met at the wedding!" Hawks comes into the room with a bag of chips. "You're coming to my wedding?" I ask and he nods. "Yup!" He smiles and I look him up and down. "Why?" I ask and he gasps.

"Do you not like me!" He yells dramatically. "I don't know you." I say and he gasps again. "I'm very good friends with the father of the groom for your information! And I'm dating your mother! 4 years going on strong!" He claps and I look to Aizawa. "I don't like him either its ok." He says and we laughs together. "Hey! We're family now! *gasps* and you're marrying shoto, and Shoto's father is Endeavor... I AM INDIRECTLY RELATED TO ENDEAVOR!" He wings fluff in excitement and mom giggles. "Really mommy?" I ask and she nods. "Keigo is... something else." She smiles at him and I giggle. We laugh for a second till my phone rings.

I look at it and blush. "Oh shit shhhhh!" I say and clear my throat. I answer the phone putting it speaker. "Hey baby what's up!" I smile and Shoto doesn't respond. "Where are you?" He asks and I laugh. "I told you I'm with Liam and Alex! I just stepped off to the bathroom quickly." I say and he hums. "What are you guys doing?" He asks an I gulp. He knows I'm not with them. "We went to Liams house." I say and he chuckles. "You know when you lie, your voice gets lower. Most peoples it gets higher but yours gets lower. Its cute." He says and I blush.

"Where are you really?" He asks and I bite my lip. "Can I tell you when I get back?" I ask and he sighs. "I have a feeling this has something to do with your mother yes?" He asks and I smile. "Oh my god you're so smart! Thats why I'm marrying you." I say and My mom laughs next to me. "You're marrying me because you're legally obligated but i like your reasons better." He says and we giggle. "Ok do what you got to do. I ordered Soba on my father debit card. Don't tell my father I stole his debit card." He says and I laugh. "Ok I won't. I'll be home soon Love you." I say. "Love you too." We hang up and I sigh.

"Why didn't you tell him?" Aizawa asks and I shrug. "I woke him up in the middle of the night after Mommy came to visit me. He convinced me it was just a dream and we went to sleep. I promised him I'd leave it alone. I know he won't be mad but still." I shrug and sigh. "Well anyways... you should go. We have time now. But you need to see your fiancé!" Mom says and I nod. We exchanged information and I smile. "Promise you'll call?" i ask and she nods. "I'll be at your wedding and rehearsal dinner" she says and I smile. "Goodbye little chick-e-Dee!" Hawks picks me up and spins me in a hug. "Cut that out." Aizawa grabs me from him and I laugh.

"Thank you." I say and he nods. "Lets go. I don't want to get stuck talking with him." He says and I laugh. "Ok! Bye guy!" I wave and me and Aizawa leave together. "Thank you so much Mr. Aizawa." I say as we walk to the car. "Of course kid." He smiles at me and turns so he's facing me. "If you want... You should ask your mom to walk you down the isle." He says and I blush. "No..." I say and he stares at me. "I want you to walk me Mr. Aizawa. I asked you because I wanted you. You saved me, you are taking care of me... I want you to give me away sir." I say and he smiles. "I'd really be honored." He says and I hug him.

"Thank you Sir." I say and he hugs me back. "Thank you." We let each other go and get in the car before going and driving home...

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