Shoto just wants to be a hero, plain and simple. And he just choose his fate not have anything planned for him. But when it turns out his father had yet another trick up his sleeve. Like he did Shoto's mother, Shoto has been signed into an arranged...
-Asami's POV- "Wake up..." I was being slowly waken up and I look around. "Mmmmm.." I yawn and rub my eyes. "Good morning baby." Shoto's sleepy voice enters my ears and I smile a bit. "Morning." I whisper and turns around. "You know what today is?" He asks and I nod. "Our wedding day." I smile and he kisses me. "You ready?" I ask and he takes a breath. "Yeah." He offers a smile and I kiss him. "We get married at 8 pm." I stand up and open my curtains. "It's already 11. We need to get ready." I say and he sits up. "Can't we just... take it easy?" He asks and I shake my head.
"I have been planning this wedding non stop for the last 2 months and thinking about it the last 5 years. If everything is not absolutely perfect, Your Father will chop my fucking head off and kill me." I lean down and kiss his cheek. "So go to your friends. Tell them to get the fuck up. Your limousine will be here to talk you to the venue where you drink some Champagne, put on your tux, and get all handsome. Maybe you won't have to try so hard you're already so hot." I smile at him and he chuckles a bit. "Alright baby. Don't drive yourself insane." He whispers and kisses me. "I won't. Ok, I'm off to the showers! I'll see you in a bit." I wink and run out of my room.
I spend the rest of the day getting ready. I take a shower and meet up with all my bridesmaids and together we take a limo to the venue where we met up with Fuyumi, Mrs. Todoroki, and my mom. "Ok!" I clap my hands as I stand on a chair to get everyone's attention. "I'm gonna be honest with you ladies I could seriously give 2 shits about getting married today!" I yell and they all giggle. "But! Mr. Todoroki will have me banished from this world if everything is not perfect! So now, I want all of you ready within the next 2 hours. I will finish doing my hair and makeup while you all get ready. The ceremony starts in T- minus, 4 hours! Once you are done getting ready you will help me put on my dress and complete my makeup, are we ready!" I yell and they cheer.
"OK LETS GO!" I yell and they run off. I keep getting ready, I straighten my hair so it's completely flat and Then I do my make up. I do a brown smokey eye with a cut creases and glitter. After that I change into a bra and underwear I put on my leg garter and walk out into the room. "Time for the dress!" I yell and Mrs. Todoroki comes to me with the dress in a bag. "Ok sweetie lets get this dress on you." Mrs. Todoroki says and I smile. My mom and Mina help me pull on my dress, even though I picked this dress out because I was stressed that day I actually really love it.
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(This dress but with no flowers)
"Oh wow.." My mom stares at me and I smile. "Do you like it?" I ask with a smile. "Like it? I love it baby you look absolutely amazing!" She starts crying and I smile. "Mommy don't cry." I say walking towards her. "When did you grow up." She sniffles cupping my face. "Don't worry. I still need you." I say and she kisses my head. "I love you baby." She whispers and all the girls giggle. "Are you excited?" Momo asks me. "Yeah. Ready to get this over with." I smile a bit and look down. "It's a big deal getting married." Tsu says and I shrug. "It's a piece of paper. Me and Shoto are still me and him. Just a paper that says we're together." I say and smile a little bit.
"Ladies." Aizawa opens the door and we look at him. "It's time." He says and I smile. "Ahhh! Lets go!" Ururaka says and they all stand. "We'll be waiting out there darling good luck." Mrs. Todoroki says and I smile. "Bye guys good luck!" I beam and wave to them as they leave. "Wow kid..." He walks to me and smiles. "You look wonderful." He says and I smile. "Thank you..." I grab the hair clip I got for my birthday and hand it to him. "Can you?" I ask turning around. I pull my hair back and he puts the clip in. "There." He smiles and I turn around. "Hows it looking out there?" I ask and he smiles. "Good. Very good. Lots of paparazzi and heroes." He says and I chuckle. "You ok?" He asks and I nod.
"yeah... I'm ready." I say and he holds up his arm. I smile grabbing his arm and we walk out of my room. "This will be perfect. Everyone is ready, everything is beautiful. Thank god." I sigh as we walk down to the alter. We stand outside the door and the music changes signaling for me to walk in. "Ready?" He asks and I smile. "Lets go." I say and he opens the door. We start walking in and everyone looks back at me.
They all start mumbling and whispers looking around. The music stops and I look around. "Whats going on?" I whisper to Aizawa as I look around. "I don't know... where is Todoroki." He whispers and I look to the front. Everyone else was there in their spots except Shoto. "I don't know..." I look around and suddenly mina runs to me. "Asami." She whispers and hands me my cell phone. Shoto was calling me? I grab my phone and answer it. "Hello?" I ask and hear him panting.
"A-Asami?" He asks and I look down. "Shoto? Where are you are you ok?" I ask and he grunts. "NO! I'm 18 years old, I'm in high school, and I don't want to get married!" He yells in the phone and my heart stops. "What? Shoto, what are you talking about?" I whisper and look around seeing all eyes on me. "I'm sorry Asami. I love you I really do. But I can't get married." He says and I hear a train. "W-wait where are you? Where are you going?" I ask and he sighs. "I just need a few day to think things over. I promise I'll be back!" He says and I feel tears in my eyes. "Is it me?" I ask and he stays silent. "I don't know." He says and I look down. "I'm sorry Asami." He says and I bite my lip. "I have to take care of this." I say feeling my tears fall.
"W-wait Asami please I don't know what I'm saying. It's not you I just... UGH please I need to see you meet me in the field. You remember where I first took you after your dress fitting?" He asks and I sniffle. "Um Yeah totally I just need to handle the guests and your dad and I'll get there Asap alright? I also think I just... maybe we need a little away from each other because right now It feels like you just fucking abandoned me at our wedding!" I yell and everyone looks back at me. I blush and shake my head. "Fuck I know I'm sorry." He says and I shake my head. "Just... stay there. I'll be there soon." I sigh and hang up the phone.
I look around at every and sigh. I whip my face and put in a smile. "Ok! Sorry there's been a small, minor hiccup in the events! Please everyone just make your way to the party hall and enjoy the open Bar!" I smile and everyone whisper around me. Photos flash and I pick up my dress with both hands. "Excuse me." I say and turn around. "ASAMI!" Endeavor runs after me and I look back at him. "Listen to me young lady. I don't know what you did but you need to get my son and you're future husband up at that alter in 5 minutes or else I will-" "No you listen to me Endeavor, You will get everyone the fuck out of here! We're not having this big stupid fucking wedding. What you're gonna do is get the family, get the class, and bring the ordain to the field of root 7, you know where that is?" I ask stomping towards him. His eyes widen and he nods.
"Good. Meet me and Shoto there in an hour and a half! GO!" I yell at him before turn around and run away. I get into a Limo and look at the driver. I tell him where to go and he drives off. "Don't worry Shoto. I'm coming." I sigh and rub my eyes lightly.