Chapter One

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~ Hi guys! This is my new fanfic. I will try to update once every week. It will always be in Alexa's POV unless written otherwise. Enjoy! ~

Tonight was the night of my flight. I was so excited to finally see Louis. The flight would only be about two hours, because we didn't live that far away from each other. I had all my stuff packed and ready. "Alexa!" My dad called up to me. "I'm coming!" I yelled back.

I went down the stairs with my suitcases and headed out the front door. My dad took my suitcases and put them in the back of the car. We drove about half an hour until we reached the airport. My dad got out of the car and helped me with my luggage.

"Call me as soon as you find Louis, okay?" My dad said giving me a huge hug. "Okay, I will Dad." I answered. "I love you Lex." He said. "I love you too." I replied waving. I walked into the airport and quickly got through security. I got on the plane and put my head phones in.

Before I knew it 2 hours had already passed and the plane had landed. I got off the plane quicky and went to go look for my luggage. I found it and went to go look for Louis next. I spotted him instantly with his red jeans. I dropped my suitcases and ran towards him.

"Lou!" I yelled hugging him. "Lexi!" He yelled back. I pulled away from the hug. "I missed you so much!" I said. "I missed you too." he replied. "We should get going all the boys are at the house waiting for you." Louis said. A smile crept on my face.

"Alright let's go then." I said. He grabbed my suitcases and put them in the back of his car. "You look so different.." Louis said. I kinda panicked hoping he wouldn't notice how much weight I had lost. "You're taller." He said with a smile. I happily sighed.

We got to the house after 10 minutes of driving. Louis grabbed my bags and led me to the front door. He opened it set the bags down and yelled, "Boys! We're home!" A couple seconds later 4 boys rushed through the living room and engulfed me in a group hug.

"Guys...I...need...air..." I gasped. "Oh, sorry." they all said pulling away. "We just missed you a lot." Zayn said. "I missed you guys too." I said with a smile. "You look different.." Harry said. I made a weird face not knowing if it was good or bad. "...good different."

He said giving me a weird stare. Louis glared at him and he quickly stopped. "Liam," Louis said. "Can you show Alexa to her room?" "Sure." Liam said with a smile. He walked down the hallway carrying my suitcases. "Here it is." He said stopping in front of a door.

"Thanks Liam." I said. "No problem." He replied going back out into the living room. I went into my room and began to unpack. I took out a few shirts and then decided to go back out to the living room with the boys. I sat on the couch with Louis and Zayn. Niall, Liam, and Harry were on the other couch beside us. "Alexa?" Louis asked. "Yeah?" I said just as my phone rang. It was Jake. "It's Ja-" I said before Louis interrupted. "Oh, just answer then." Zayn also knew about my boyfriend, they all did. None of them liked him, but none of them have ever met him before, besides Louis

. "Hello." I said. "Hey babe." He replied. "What's up?" I asked. "Oh, I was just calling to see that you landed safely." He said. "Aw, thanks. I actually have to go because I promised my dad i'd call him and he's probably freaking out." I said. "Alright, love you." He said. "Love you too, bye." I hung up.

Everyone was staring at me after the phone call. "Eaves droppers." I said. "No, we just wanted to hear all about your wonderful boyfriend." Niall said like a girl. "Oh, shut up." I said. "What do you have against him anyway?" I said asking all of them. "Well..." Harry said. "He's a boy-" Zayn said. "And he's dating you." Louis finished. "You guys are ridiculous." I said.

I quickly called my dad and told him I landed safely. "Louis!" Niall whined. "I'm hungry." Louis rolled his eyes. "Alright. Alexa, what do you feel like eating?" Louis asked. "I' really hungry." I said. "Are you sure?" He asked me again. "Uh..yeah positive." I answered. "Are you okay, you're acting a bit off." Louis said concerned. "Yeah. I'm fine. Really Lou. I'm just a bit tired."

I said smiling. "Okay." He said. "I think i'm going to get to bed now actually." I said. "Okay. Hopefully tomorrow you'll be better." Louis said. "Yeah hopefully." I mumbled getting up. "What was that?" Louis asked not understanding what I just said.

"Oh uh, nothing. I was just saying that i'll see you in the morning." I said. "Goodnight boys." I said walking towards my room. "Goodnight." They all said back. I walked into my room and got into my bed. I pulled the covers up and closed my eyes. "If only I could get better tomorrow." I said to myself.

I know it's a litle short, but it's the first chapter and I wanted you guys to get a feel for the story. Tell me what you thought of this chapter in the comments. Vote, Comment, & Fan! Thanks for reading! xxx

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