Chapter Eleven

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~*~*~Zayn's POV~*~*~

Louis called a little earlier and asked if I could check in on Lexi and Harry while he was at Eleanor's. I was in my way to their house now. I heard yelling from inside so I didn't knock, I just walked in. "You know what Harry maybe things would be easier if you were a little less rude!" I heard Lexi scream. "Well I just made a big dinner, but you're not going to want to eat that!" Harry yelled. She just stared at him.

"Harry, this is why I never wanted to tell you anything." She whispered and turned around. That's when they both noticed me standing there. Harry walked back into the kitchen and Lexi sat on the couch. I sat next to her. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked. She looked up. "No." She said blankly. I noticed a small bruise on her face. "What's that from?" I asked. She didn't reply. "It was Harry, wasn't it?" I asked knowing Harry's anger problems.

I saw on her arms that there were new scars. "Lex, you promised." I said holding one of her arms. She was pregnant, that could be dangerous for the baby. She continued to be silent. "You never answered my question; was it Harry?" I asked again. "Yes Zayn! Harry smacked me! And he's also the reason I started again, okay!" She yelled running upstairs. 

I walked into the kitchen where Harry was. "What the hell is wrong with you mate?!" I yelled. He turned around. "I don't know what you're talking about." He replied. "You slapped Lexi, and you're the reason that she started cutting again Harry!" I screamed. "Look, I was drunk when I hit her, and I can't control what she does to herself." Harry said. "Unbelievable." I said.

"You know Harry, I've know Alexa a lot longer than you have. She has feelings, she cares what people think. You barely knew her when you got her pregnant! I've known her ever since the one summer Louis brought her here. And you would've known her too if you weren't out with girls! Do you know how much I love her?! I've loved her ever since I laid eyes on her, and now I can't have her, because you're 'In love with her'!" I yelled. 

"I am in love with her!" Harry yelled. "Really? Is that why you hit her Harry?" I asked. He raised his arm and punched me. "Oh, well it's good to know you hit others, and not just women." I said punching back. Harry stood up and rolled his eyes "Are you going to be more gentle with her?" I asked. He thought for a second "Yes." He said. "Good, now if Lexi calls me and tells me anything bad, I'll be back over." I said as a warning.

He nods slowly. "Alright; Bye mate." I said and left the house.


Wow, sorry this chapter is shit! I wanted to atleast give you guys something. Thanks for the reads btw :D I'll be getting a bigger update for you guys sometime soon. And please go check out my other story! Thanks!

- Lexi x

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