Chapter Five

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This chapter kinda's a bit of a filler chapter...enjoy!

I woke up the next morning in Harry's arms. We were still on the couch. All the boys were still here. I guess we all fell asleep during the movie. I got up slowly, careful not to wake Harry. I walked in the kitchen and Louis was sitting at the table with a tea cup. I walked past him and got a glass out of the cabinet. I poured some orange juice in my cup and sat across from Louis. He was looking at me, but I couldn't tell if it was with disappointment or not. "Listen Lou, can you at least talk to Harry today?" I asked. 

"Sure." Was all he said. He took another sip of his tea and Harry walked in and sat next to me. I got up from next to him, so they could talk alone. "Wait, where are you going..?" He asked in a whisper. "I have to do the...laundry." I said. "No, don't.." He said as I left. Hopefully they just talked and it won't end up in a fight.

~*~*~Harry's POV~*~*~

"So how's your eye?" Louis asked. "It's fine." I mumbled. "Harry, I don't have a problem with you dating my sister," Louis said. There was a 'but' coming in somewhere. "But," there it is. "If you even so much as touch her the wrong way, I will murder you." Louis said. "So we can continue dating?" I asked Louis. "...Yes." He said. He was obviously forcing himself to say it.

This probably was Eleanor's idea and he agreed to it. Louis would never decide this on his own. "Thanks Lou!" I said going to find Alexa. "Alexa." I called. "Yeah.." She said walking into the living room. I pulled her into a hug and whispered in her ear. "Louis said we can stay together." I said.

"Really?" She asked happy. "Yeah." I said with a smile and gave her a kiss. She ran over to Louis and gave him a huge hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She said over and over. 

~*~*~Alexa's POV~*~*~

I was so happy! I can't believe Louis said that. It was probably Eleanor's idea though. "So, does this mean we can go public?" I asked. "Well, there's no reason you can't." Louis said. "We could go out now if you want." Harry said. "It's raining Harry." Niall said. "You could do it on twitter." Liam suggested. "Great idea. Okay, Zayn take a quick picture of Harry and I kissing." I said. 

Zayn walked over. "Here." I said handing Zayn my phone. Harry gave me a quick kiss and Zayn gave me my phone back. "That's the perfect picture! Thanks Zayn!" I said. "What should I caption the tweet?" I asked. "Here, I'll do it." Harry said. He logged on to his twitter. "There." He said with a smile. I logged back on to my twitter and saw the tweet. It read @LexiTommo: Isn't she perfect? . I smiled. "My mentions are exploding. Oh my god how do you turn your notifications off?" I asked. Louis took my phone and turned them off. "Thanks." I said. "How do you get that many retweets in seconds?" I asked. "I'm Harry Styles." He said with a smirk. I hit him on the arm. "Don't be so full of yourself." I said. 

I sat down on the sofa and turned my phone back on. I went through my twitter feed. I was surprised that most of the comments were nice. There were some mean ones, but I'm going to have to live with the fact that not everyone is going to like me. "We should get going guys." Zayn said to Niall and Liam. "Alright, we'll see you guys later!" Niall said leaving. "Bye guys!" Liam said. "Bye." Harry said. 

"There's nothing to do, it's raining." I said. "I'm going upstairs, I didn't sleep last night, so I'll probably take a nap for a couple hours." Louis said. "Alright." I said. "Don't let the bed bugs bite." Harry said. Louis just kept walking towards the stairs, he was obviously still uncomfortable with the whole situation. "What can we do?" I asked Harry. "We could do a twitcam." He suggested. "Okay, that sounds fun." I replied. "I'll go get my laptop." Harry said running up the stairs. 

He came back down and tweeted: "Twitcam in 3, 2,...". He started the twitcam and there were already thousands of viewers. "Hey guys!" Harry waved to the camera. "So any questions to start of with?" He asked the thousands of viewers. "Are you and Alexa really dating?" Was one question that came up immediately. Harry read it aloud then kissed me. "That should answer your question." Harry said.

"Is Louis okay with you two dating? Asked bye @MissyStyles." Harry read. "Yeah, Louis' cool with us." I said. "Hey guys!" I saw a tweet from Zayn, he was watching the twitcam. "Hi Zayn!" We both said to the camera. I leaned over to Harry and whispered, "It's getting kinda late Haz." He nodded. 

"Alright guys, it's getting late, so we're gonna get going. Thanks for watching!" He said closing the laptop. "Well, that was fun. I was expecting all the fans to hate me.." I said. "Why would you think that?" Harry asked. "Wait, hold on, I'm gonna go make two cup of tea, and then we can talk okay?" He said. I nodded. I took off the sweater I was wearing because I was getting hot, so I only had my tank top on.

"Here you go babe." Harry said handing me a cup of tea. "Thanks." I said with a smile. "So do you want to tell me why you thought the fans would hate you?" Harry asked. "Because..well...I don't know." I said throwing my arms up in frustration.

Harry froze. He stared at me and didn't say a word. "Harry what's wrong?" I asked. "Why?" He asked. "Why wh-" Harry cut me off. "Why are you hurting yourself?" Harry said. He saw the scars. He knows. I have to tell him everything now. "Because, it was hard for me when my parents got divorced. I had to move away, and be away from Louis. And I got made fun of because people thought that Jake only dated me because Louis was my brother, and I just lost my mother..." I said starting to cry.

"Why didn't you tell me..?" Harry asked with a shakey voice. "Because Harry, I didn't want you to pity me. I didn't want you to treat me like a porcelain doll...I didn't want you to leave me.." I said. "Alexa....I would never leave you..I love you.." Harry said. This was going to be the first time we said I love you to each other. "...I-I love you too Harry." I said. He pulled me close and hugged me. "Is there anything else you want to tell me?" Harry asked.

"Well.." I said. How do I tell him? I can't just say 'Oh hey by the way I have an eating disorder. Love you. See you in the morning.' Maybe I wont tell, maybe I can show him. "Can I show you, because it's hard for me to say.." I asked. "Sure Lex.." He said sofly.

I stood up and lifted my shirt, showing the amount of weight I'd lost. "Alexa..." Harry breathed out. "Why?" "Harry, it's really difficult for me to talk abiut. I am trying to's just difficult." I said crying. Harry stayed silent. "And Louis can not know." I said. "But Alexa, he's you brother, he should know." Harry explained. "Please Harry don't tell him." I pleaded. "Fine, but you have to tell him at some point." Harry said. 

"I know." I replied blankly. "Alright, now let's go up to bed." Harry said. He walked up the stairs with me. We stopped in fromt of my door. "Goonight babe." Harry said giving me a kiss and turning to go to his room. "Wait...Harry.." I said. "Yeah.." He said turning towards me. "Can you sleep with me tonight?" I asked softly. "Yeah, of course. We went into my room and Harry followed.

We both layed down and pulled the covers up. "Goodnight Harry....I love you." I said. "I love you too." Was all Harry said before we both drifted off to sleep.


What's gonna happen next??? Will Louis continue to be nice towards Harry, or will there be tention???

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked this chapter! Vote/Comment/Fan :) xxx

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