Chapter 2

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Namjoon POV
I just woke up to see Myself tied up and kook sleeping, I started to wonder what happened and realized am in a van moving to some unknown place.

I got worried and tried to get myself untied until the van stop and the door opened revealing 2 buff men who grab and held my hand then bringing me to a room before putting kook on the soft floor then shutting it.

I saw kook waking up and started to get scared then cried before seeing me and trying to get to me.

I tried my best to reach him and I did, I held him tight even when my arms are tied.

Before also noticing another person in the room, he looks like he been also just arrived here.

It wasn't long before 3 or what look 2 men and 1 women coming in and taking off the rope and bring in food.

Kook stopped crying and I told him to eat the food, he began eating while I went to the mysterious boy who was shorter than me.

I tried asking him who he is.
"Hello, Are you ok?" I asked
"huh, who are you why am I here?, All I remember was going out of my workplace and being drugged by 3 men." He said
"Am Namjoon, and he is my brother we were brought here too."I said
"Well Am Yoongi, it look like you are more stronger than the younger who looks so weak." He said.
"He's a weaker omega than I am." I replied before hearing the door opened and 4 men came in and held us before bring us to another room.

Me and Yoongi struggled and pushed the 2 men punching them before more came and held us.

Another Man was walking infront of us and kicked the 2 men infront of us before telling the others to move.

We were quickly moved to a room where 3 women came and told us to take off our clothes.

We didn't comply but the man inside came in and took out his weapon we saw it and took off our clothes when kook was crying silently.

They dressed up in revealing outfits and headbands before chaining our hands.
Kook headbands was a bunny, Yoongi was a cat and mine look like a koala.

They then forced us in cages and then telling us not to struggle and it would be useless.

A black cover covered us and I didn't see anything.

Then we are moving before stopping.
I heard people talking.
"Today Folks we have 3 special male omegas, which is one of the rarest kind here" I heard.
"Now let open the covers"
The cover were removed and I immediately opened my eyes and saw many people who were staring at us.

Some of them drooling some of them smirking.
I turned to my right to see Yoongi trying to get the chains offs while kook was sobbing quietly.
"Alright Folks Here are the rarest kind we have today, Betting starts at 100,000$".
"150,000$" shouted 1 man.
"1M Dollars" 4 men shouted.


Then we were brought back to another room, and they unlock the chains and cage before pulling a collar on each of us.

4 Men came in and gave the man money before staring at us.

"I never knew these omegas were this cute" said Taehyung before rubbing his hands on kook face who was sobbing.

"Your right tae but let go to the house shall we?" Jin Said.

Me Yoongi and Kook were brought to a van where we placed at the back while everyone else was infront was driving.

Kook was quietly sobbing In my arms and the car suddenly stopped.

"So, Tae and Jimin get the bunny one inside ur room, Hoseok you already know ur choice and I will get this one"  he said while looking at me.

Tae and Jimin started to seperate me from kook which I insisted and struggled pulling him back before Jin had enough and took my hands from kook who were confused what was going on.

Jin picked me up while I struggle to get off him, he drop me inside a room with soft pillow.

I instantly felt sleepy and slept forgetting what happened.

This is one is so beautiful even tho he's a brat I will make him respect his master, I walked out of the room and saw the other struggling with Hoseok before finally giving up.

Jimin and Taehyung came out of their room.

Not soon after Hoseok too came out.

"So, how does everyone feel??" He asked.
"The one I got is like yours but more annoying but am happy that I got one who cute." Hoseok Said.
"What about yours Taehyung?" He asked.
"I don't know yet but he doesn't struggle to get off me, he clings onto me and cry when I leave him." Tae Said.

"I guess we will see Tmr, because we have a meeting with another company and we will bring them with us alright?" Jin Said.
Everyone nodded and went to bed.

Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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