Chapter 3

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Namjoon POV
I woke up feeling myself on a soft bed and noticed a man near me, that's when I realized about what happened yesterday.

not long the man nearby me woke up and saw me already awake.

"Good Morning Omega or shall I say Joon" he said.
"Who are you why am I here, where is my brother kook" I said.
He signed before opening telling me.
"Well am your new master and you are omega, don't worry about kook he's in my two brother bedroom." He said.

I got shocked and tried to get out of the room but the door was locked.
The man laughed and said "look go take a shower and you can see ur brother when we go on a meeting today"

I immediately nodded wanting to see my baby brother and went to shower it wasn't before long I came out with a towel.

The Man came back and gave me a boxers and a suit.

I wore it and saw him walking towards me then kissing my lips.

The kiss went on for awhile before he backed away and I blushed.

"Let go Joon" he said before holding my hand then walking with me to the dinning room.

I saw 5 more people coming to sit at the table.

My eyes were on kook who was wearing a black dress while Yoongi was wearing a suit like mine.

I whispers to the man near me asking him if I can see kook, and he nodded letting me sit near kook who was sobbing while hugging me.

He only cried for a bit before telling me that he wanted to go home.

I calmed him down then food arrived so I fed him before eating my own food.

I saw Yoongi struggling to smile deep inside he's was scared like us too.

One of the maids came and brought kook a banana milk in which he smiled and happily thank her before drinking it.

I look up again and saw 2 eyes looking at me.
"I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Seokjin or Jin for Short, He's Hoseok or Hobi and they are Jimin and Taehyung, you should know that we're all alphas" he said

I nodded.

Those eyes are so beautiful and his face is handsome.

I suddenly realized it time for the meeting, I quickly told them to get in the car.

We all have different cars and driver so it doesn't become full.

In the car ride, Namjoon was tearing up with tears falling from his face.

"What wrongs Joon?"I said
"Don't hurt us please" he said

I got confused but then saw that,We arrived at the company.

Everyone got out of their car and so did it, we walked up the steps and went up the elevator.

I told Jimin to stay with the omegas while I talk with Taehyung and Hobi.

We walked infront of the door and went inside to see Mr Lee waiting for us.

He had a worried expression on his face and I asked him what wrong.

He told me that yesterday 8 men came to his office and demanded him to tell them where I live.

His assistant came and explained that the 3 omegas we had are suppose to be theirs but we beat them to it.

I nodded before going out then checking the time to find out I have another meeting at a club.

We all arrived at the club and left the omegas alone at a table while everyone else was busy talking.

Then we heard screaming.

Namjoon POV
I was given time to talk with Yoongi and Kookie, everything was great Yoongi told me that he will find a way to escape but then a man came behind him and tried to stab him.

I screamed while trying to help Yoongi who was defending him selves from the attacker.

Kookie was so damn scared that he cried on the floor.

It notice of Jimin and Taehyung who came and saw what going on then immediately shot the man.

Jin came later with Hoseok who carried Yoongi to the manison while Taehyung and Jimin were calming kook who was shaken.

Jin came infront me and I hugged him tight.
"Alpha am scared" I begged
He comfort me and brought me back home with everyone coming too.

He kissed me and changed my clothes then saying goodnight.

Today incident was horrifying even tho I killed people but seeing my omega begging me and crying.

He's so beautiful, Taehyung came later and told me to come to the basement where Hoseok was beating the shit of the man.

Jimin too, they were taking out their anger on the man who hurt their omegas.

The man managed to reveal that blood dragon sent him before I got mad I shot him in the head.

I love y'all's so much as a male writer, thanks for supporting my book.

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