Chapter 21

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No One POV
Namjoon smile quickly became a frown as he saw Jin sitting near him.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"Namjoon what-" Jin says.

"Who are you exactly why am I here" he said.

"Am jinnie" Jin said.

"Jin? I don't remember someone name Jin, all I know is that I have a brother name Jungkook" Namjoon says

As Jin sighed, Hobi ran in the room looking quite pissed.

"Jin hyung, yoongi escaped, I don't know where he ran off" j Hope said.

"HELP ME, DOCTOR I DON'T KNOW HIM" Namjoon screamed as the doctor came in.

"Mr Jin can you leave" he said.

"I have bad news for you both, Namjoon and Yoongi appeared to lost their memories, due to god know what they did to those 3" the doctor explained.

"What do you mean doc?" Jin ask.

"I found out that they must have injected another syringe which causes them to loose sight of their memories, it's temporary" he said.

"Also, they gonna have their heats soon enough, as the effect causes the heats to speed up" he says.

"how come Jungkook is fine? " Jin ask.

"Probably because he's a very submissive omega, which they prob injected a less harmful one, he did loose some memories prob best if you don't ask them what happened yet, it causes them to panick" he explained.

"Sir we found him, he was in you know the--" a man came in interrupting.

" What? " Hobi said

"he's found his way on to your office room, he right now sleeping comfortly sleeping on your desk with a pillow under his head" he said.

The man then left.

"God dam, I sure hope changing houses won't make them go in to panic mode" Jin said.

Jin and everyone were planning on staying at each of their own houses, which was quite near each other.

Taehyung just ordered his construction crew to build a house for the 3 of them to live while hobi just bought another house nearby.

Unlike other houses, there were people patrolling all the houses yard.

So it would be much easier finding where the omegas went, considering all the people who work here are betas and alphas, if a guy touches one of the hybirds the chances are his head would get chop off.

They already packed up and decorate everything before they bought these 3.

In the morning.

Basically Jin decided to go to his house with Namjoon in his car just sleeping, while hoseok was in his house doing his work when yoongi was just playing with toys.

It was hard at first as they had to use their growl or high voice to make them listen.

About the past a couple days, Namjoon been escaping and running to taehyung house, where people already in tae house recongize him, and just let him inside, Jin was pissed.

He chased him from his own home to tae house.

You would think they would treat Jungkook like shit but nope, they gave Jungkook his own room with his needs being stocked.

Jungkook was sleeping on his bed, dreaming as Namjoon opened the door.

He saw how Jungkook was sleeping side a soft bed and comfortable pj's, he would buy anything Jungkook want, even sold his favorite shoes for the bed.

"kookie?" He cooed

"Joon hyungie" Jungkook smiled as Namjoon hugged him inside the blanket.

Jin burst though the door and let us say it wasn't pretty, as Namjoon held kook hand while Jungkook was crying loud when Jin pulled Namjoon back.

It woke up Jimin and Taehyung who came rushing to the door , taehyung comforted Jungkook while Jimin just separated Jin hands from Namjoon arm.

"Stop hyung, your making jungkookie cry" Jimin said.

"Yeah hyung, we don't care how you treat Namjoon hyung but keep it between you and him don't bring kookie in to this" taehyung said.

Jin just ignored it and pulled Namjoon taking him to his car as he whispered.

"Listen up Namjoon, if you escape again I would literally bring your kookie back to the auction" he threaten.

Namjoon quickly nodded in slience.

Updated, working on drafts for forced.

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