Chapter 22

978 34 3

No One POV
Of course Jin wouldn't bring Jungkook back to that horrible place, he was just threatening him so that Namjoon wouldn't escape and get kidnapped again.

The past few weeks went by, and Namjoon slowly regain his memories.

You won't know how happy he was when he saw Seokjin.

They kissed cuddled and sometimes even mate.

Right now, they were on top of Jin Company looking at the sky lines.

"Seoul is beautiful from up here" Namjoon muttered.

"I never get to see this when before I got sold off" he said.

"What do you mean?" Jin asked.

"All my life, after my parents disappearance I been trying to feed me and my brother even sometimes getting hungry." He said.

"Jungkook is young and weak, unlike me he is immature of his doing and that's why I got scared and protective at first" he said.

"Taehyung and Jimin are good people, they treat him and let him live in luxurious life" he said.

"he's living in a life that I can't give him back then" he said.

Jin stood there.

"don't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault" he said.

He hugged Namjoon tight.

"shall we go home?" Jin asked.

He nodded before Jin took him to the ground floor and took him home.

the car ride was slient, considering Namjoon slept the whole ride.

Jin felt bad for him, he should have found him sooner.

The 1M dollars was nothing compared to this.

He can made a Millon in 2 minutes, but he can't get another Namjoon.

The sleeping beauty is sleeping cutely Jin coed.

The tail and ears are soft when you touch them.

Namjoon doesn't let anyone touch it except Jin.

It's feel great to have him back.

Jin was driving his car with one car Infront of him and the one behind him.

You may think they are planning on killing him but nope just his soldiers.

You wouldn't believe that theres literally a man in the SUV with a gun behind the seat.

As he slowly thinks, Namjoon looks like his mom before his enemies killed her.

His father was a kind person, he would help anyone in need that's why they tried to kill him.

He drags everyone in the mafia, because they are the only family left.

His mom gone his dad in coma.

He remembered how hard he cried when he also found out taehyung grandmother passed away a few months ago.

She was the one who took care of them.

Its was a day with sadnesses.

He promised himself that he would kill that man.

As he arrived at his home, to see 2 bodyguards standing at his front gate.

They let him in and he parked the car and took Namjoon inside his home.

Placing him on the couch.

Jin then walked to his office.

He opened the door and was surprised to see taehyung there.

"Hello Hyungie" he smiled.

"Tae? Why are you here?" He asked.

"well, Jimin took Jungkook to Busan for a couple days since it's where Jungkook childhood place" he said.

"so you came and finally visited me huh" Jin said.

"oh come on hyung, you know I been spending time with my baby, prob longer than yours" he said.

"That's because Joon was slowly regaining his memories, and why are you here? " He asks.

"I managed to locate one the asshole who kidnapped them, they will prob do it again it seem that the old man really want grand children's " tae said.

"you did?, Send the location to me immediately" Jin said.

"that's all hyung, now if you excuse me I have to go to find yoongi" he said.

Before taehyung left the room.

The whole place was slient, when he brought joon back cause they didn't know if Namjoon would be shout or scream at them due to memories lost but thankfully.

He did, he did tho helped everyone with their problems even helping set up the table and prepare the tables for his alpha or his love.

They always have dinner together with everyone there except Jimin and Jungkook who were visiting Jimin parents house.

They planned on returning sooner but his parents wouldn't let him, they grown fown and liked having Jungkook around.

Jimin didn't know that his parents even had a garden ever.

His mom and jungkook would spents hours just planting or watering the plants.

While he and his dad just chat and drank some tea.

Meanwhile with SOPE

That's a different stories, hoseok took yoongi everywhere, fishing to the movies on a date on a mountain.

Like Yoongi was amazed at everything.

Like last week he took him to the Japan without telling anyone about it.

Until he came back and everyone was suprised.

Everyone are happy for now...

Because something bad is gonna happen again.......

Haven't updated in awhile sorry was busy with school exams and local problems.

Plus my country is having an election so I been busy trying to finish my school work.

I just updated my draft from may 9.

Maybe planning on updating forced tmr.

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