Chapter 10

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Studying with BTS

Taehyung was right, having submissive around the house makes it more comfortable.

I can't go anywhere without my little koala Joonie following me.

But I had to go today so I told him that I had to somewhere important with everyone and he nodded going back to the living room

I went to the dinning table and saw everyone there.

"Well Jimin you be staying here while everybody else go with em" I said.

He nodded before going to the living room.

We finished our dinner and went to our car.

We arrived at the location and saw that the shipment just arrived.

It was drugs and many more stuff, I checked and nodded.

They saw this and drove off, I heard my phone ringing and took it.

"m..master jin nie are you there?"A small voice said.
"Of course am here baby what do you want?" I said.
"Jiminie wants to talk with you" He cutely says.
"Hyung, the company just called and they need you at the company now."
Jimin says.
I told him yes and told everyone to be ready and go to the company.

We arrived the company when we arrived the receptionist was trembling then telling us to go up.

We arrived and I opened the CEO door.

And revealed Jisung and his men with Mr Lee on the ground who probably fainted.

I saw jisung smirked.
"Welp Jinnie, it seem that you have my what's my mine" He Said.
"WHAT?"I shouted.
"You see during the auction, I saw 3 handsome and beautiful submissive omega so I thought of buying all of them for my needs but you screw everything up with ur brothers and bought them all before I managed to say the money I was willing to pay."
He said.
"But am here to take it back so give them back and no one will get hurt." He said and I chuckled and I replied with a no.

Then he got mad and told his me to fire at us, we shot back and ran toward the emergency stairs and managed to escape from the company.

The car behind us was tailing us so I shot their tires which made their car crashed.

We arrived at the mansion seeing Joonie with a worried expression.

I got out and asked him"what's wrong Joonie?".
"d..jinnie a man tried to take joonie away from you but Jimin tackled him but he stabbed jiminie" he said while crying.

I immediately hugged him picking him up and went inside to see Jimin being treated and kook showering him with kisses and the cat Yoongi sleeping like nothing had happened.

Unable to sleep because I cried too much, hope you enjoy the chapter make sure to like and leave comments.

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