Chapter 4

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I was having chat with Taehyung and Jimin while Hobi was taking care off Yoongi.

We heard screams from Hobi room so we all barged in to find Hobi and what we saw was speechless.

Yoongi has cat ears and a tail, Hobi was stunned while trying to calm down Yoongi who was crying.

I ordered Taehyung to find out what was happened.

Then I realized I left Namjoon and Kook in the other room alone.

I went and kick the door to see 3 men injecting some liquid into Kook and Namjoon who was struggling.

They collapsed and slept, I got so pissed I ordered my guards to take the 3 men to the basement.

Jimin came in and asked what happened in which I told him to pick up Jungkook and bring him to their room while I bring Namjoon to my room.

When I arrived at my room and place Namjoon on the bed, He woke up and was confused, I turn around to see Namjoon having Koala ears and a small tail.

He asked what happened and I explained before showing him what he's look like.

He got scared and hugged me.
Jimin barged in and told me to go to his room.

I took Namjoon with me he was smiling.

I walked through the door to see Yoongi sleeping on the soft carpet.

I put Namjoon down who did the same, I then look up to see Jungkook with Bunny ears and bunny tail.

Taehyung was hugging him tight, before walking up to me and got everyone attention.

"Guys, The liquid that was injected into Kook Joon and Min was a Hybrid Injection, meaning they will turn into hybrids with something called heat."
He explained.

Everyone were stunned while Jungkook was cuddling on the carpet with Yoongi and Namjoon.

Hope you enjoy this lovely chapter, I was busy updating my Forced book.

_____________________________________Hope you enjoy this lovely chapter, I was busy updating my Forced book

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