Chapter 23

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No One POV
It been 2 months since the incident.

Jin decided to convince Namjoon to let Jungkook go to school again and he agreed.

So today, yoongi and jungkook are being brought to the most expensive private school in the capital.

And they had security in the building near the school.

Jin was holding jungkook hand when entering the school.

"Well, jungkookie i will send someone to pick you up with yoongi" he says.

"Ok hyungie" he said back.

they bid farewell, as Jungkook and Yoongi held hands and entered the school.

Meanwhile with Namjoon.

He was in his room.
Hoseok suprised him by buying him a computer desktop.

They had to renovate a room just for Namjoon.

The room was super colorful with brightness as it has everything a studio have.

So he just spend his days recording and editing videos he made.

Jin was busy with his work so he came to visit him once every 3 hours.

It was peaceful.

Taehyung and Jimin were going somewhere together.

He heard that both of them had a urgent business so they left.

It was him and his desktop.

"I should maybe post this on YouTube"  he muttered.

As he uploaded a song called "bicycle" on to YouTube.

He made and sang the song himself.

The video got uploaded to YouTube and he close his desktop.

Before heading out of his room going to Jin Office.

He was about to open the door before hearing voices from the door.

"Damn you fucking son of a bitch?" A man says.

"Bitch?, Your the one who tried to get me inherit dad company to you when dad got into a coma" Jin says.

"It was the only way " he agured.

"Only way?, You beaten me with a stick every night just so you get the company until i managed to escape Grandpa House" he said.

"That's because your a fucking brat" he says.

"Not only that, but in love with a fucking male omega?, You brought shame to our family name" he says.

"Male Omegas are weaks pleasant " he said.

Jin looses it and punch the dude in the face and call his security to take him out.

Namjoon met the guy glare.

"So your the slut huh, how do you feel have his cock " he spat.

Namjoon stood there crying.

Jin came outside and saw it he immediately punch the guy in the gut before his security brought the guy out.

He came and comforted Namjoon.

they later went inside his office.

"H...he called me a slut nothing but a slut for cocks" Namjoon cried out.

"Your not a slut, your my Omega " Jin says as he comforted him.

It took quite awhile to calm Namjoon down.

Meanwhile with Vmin.

"You sure jungkook would like this one" Jimin asked.

"Am sure he will" tae says.

They were in a pet store, buying a pet for Jungkook.

They were looking at a brown dog which has long ears.

after deciding that they will adopt the dog.

They went to the reception and got the dog.

Jimin drove the car back home with Taehyung.

No chit chat, because they were in their minds dreaming of jungkook smile.

Yea am finally back for 3 months.

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