Chapter 25 (Sope Smut)

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Yoongi walked outside of his school waiting for jungkook.

"Strange, usually jungkook would wait for me here." He thought.

He stood there waiting for about 20 minutes.

He was getting worried about jungkook.

as he about to take his phone out to call Hoseok, a man came right behind him and grab him.

he turned behind him and saw Hoseok there.

"Hoseok?, you scared the hell out of me"

"Sorry babe" He apologized.

"Where is Jungkook?" Asked Yoongi

"Oh, Tae and Jimin picked him up early today".

Yoongi let out a "oh" before being told to follow Hoseok to the car.

Hoseok opened the car door and Yoongi got in and shut the door as he entered the driver seat.

"Let head home" he heard.

The long ride was making Yoongi very horny but he decided to keep it to himself.

but in the middle of the ride, he can't wait anymore and nudge Hoseok.

"Hoseokie Hoseokie?"

"What is it baby?" Hoseok Responded and he looked at Yoongi who was hard as a rock.

he smirked and stopped the car near a tree and unbuckled his pants.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Asked Hoseok.

He didn't even hear an answer as Yoongi early opened his boxer and took out his cock.

he strokes it a few times and began sucking his cock.

Hoseok began to drive again this time very slowly not to crash or choke Yoongi.

Yoongi stroke the large cock and kept sucking it that it was starting to leak precum.

"God Yoongi" groans hoseok.

It was making him felt good.

when they arrived at a stop.

Hoseok can't control it anymore and cum inside of Yoongi mouth.

"daddt look what a mess you made" he said

he can only laugh a little before Yoongi took his pants off and his boxer off.

Hoseok had to stop the car at a public parking lot.

he unbuckled his seats belt and Yoongi sat on his cock riding it.

"Oh fuck" he moaned out as he rode that dick.

"Feel good baby?" He heard.

"YES YES Daddy" he moaned loudly.

He was about to cum as Hoseok grab his cock and prevented him from cumming.

"Don't forget the rule, daddy cums first" Hoseok said.

As of right now they are at back of the car as Yoongi get his hole pounded by Hoseok who pounded the boy so hard.

"Aaaa so good ngh" he moaned out.

"so good, good slut" he moaned at the words.

Hoseok thrusting inside the hole hitting Yoongi prostate.

"Ah Ngh" everytime he hits it, he hears those beautiful words.

this time Yoongi was riding cowboy on the cock.

"So good" he muttered.

He about to cum until a man knocked on the window.

They had to stop and put their pants on.

He rolls the window.

"Hey man you alright?, I heard someone screaming" The Man asked.

"Yeah it's okay, you see my baby was playing his games that's why he was screaming because he lost" he responded.

The man understood and walked away.

"Now let continue shall we?" He said.

Yoongi didn't waste a minute and began riding the cock over and over not getting used to it.

"you're so tight ah" said Hoseok.

"Only tight for you daddy" the boy moaned out.

Hoseok began pounding him faster than ever before finally reaching his climax.

"I'm about" he said.

"Cum inside" he heard.

As he came inside of Yoongi before Yoongi came on his belly button

"I feel so full" Yoongi said.

As they both tiredly cuddle before Hoseok got up and wore his clothes and covered the nude Yoongi with a blanket.

He drove to the mansion where he saw maids waiting.

He signaled a sign and they nodded as he arrived he carefully carried Yoongi to their room where he cleaned him up and change his clothing

"God I love you Yoongi" he muttered as they both cuddled and fell asleep.

Short Chapter.
I apologise for the late update, I have been busy with my life and the situation is getting bad so I apologise.

I have been doing okay for now just waiting for the results.

I will update another chapter tonight.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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