friends | ranboo

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(just a disclaimer, this was written before ranboos coming 0ut! if it's against his boundaries, please let me know and i'll delete this chapter! thank you!)

(gender neutral reader + the person in the fanfic)


me and ranboo have been friends since forever, but for the last few months we've been flirting and talking constantly, but neither of us wants to admit the feelings we have for each other.

at least i see it that way. currently we were at ranboos and tubbos house, having a little party, just friends and music, nothing more. no alcohol. no illegal substances. i was grabbing a drink from the kitchen, meanwhile tubbo, ranboo, tommy, jack, george and some person tubbo invited were in the living room. i didn't really like the person, they were rude to me since the party started. they would act so sweet and kind in front of everyone but when we were alone, they were a total asshole.

i grabbed a cup and filled it with some water as i leaned against the kitchen counter where ranboo recorded his cooking video, i remember watching him record it, i was laughing my ass off. i smiled to myself as i finished the cup and filled it once more leaving the kitchen.

when i walked into the living room, i looked around for ranboo, as usual. i scanned the room, tommy and tubbo sitting on the couch, while jack and george were sitting at tubbos setup talking about something. well, that means ranboo is with...

oh..of course.

i saw ranboo leaning against the wall talking to them, they laughed at every single thing he said. ranboo looked like he was having a good time, he was smiling, cracking jokes, he looked happy.

how could he not, look at them.

small button nose, big plump lips, straight white smile.


i sat on the couch next to tommy still looking at ranboo talking to the them, slowly sipping from my water.

,,really dude? go get your mans! what are you waiting for?" tommy snapped me out of my thoughts.
,,he looks like he is having a good time toms, i won't bother him right now." i said poiting my finger at them, my lips forming into straight line, tommy just rolled his eyes and tried to convice me to go and talk to him, but, im very stubborn, so i wouldn't move. we eventually started talking about other things, until the person and ranboo decided to sit on the second couch next to us.

ranboo looked at me smiling. he's so adorable, how can anyone not want him. just look at this man. i smiled back, but my smile quickly faded as the person sat next to him and put their head on his shoulder.

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