lover | quackity

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i grabbed my purse, running downstairs to our kitchen. opening the frigde door, grabbing the packed lunches i made, i also grabbed some drinks and snacks. putting it all in my purse, barely fitting it all in there. i checked if i had my wallet, keys and all the other things i need for the roadtrip. i headed out of the door, locking it behind me. i turned from the door, seeing alex already waiting in the car, in our driveway.

i ran up to the car, opening the door and sitting down in the passenger seat, throwing my purse in the back of the car, putting my seatbelt on. i turned to alex, who was already starting the car. i quickly grabbed his head pulling it towards me, giving him a quick kiss on the forehead, he smiled and started to drive out of our driveway.

,,im so excited y/n! this is going to be so much fun!" he said excitedly, holding my hand, shaking it in the air. i chuckled, nodding my head.

,,seattle is like 15 hours away babe, do you think you can actually drive for that long?" i asked, still holding onto his hand, until he had to use it dor driving again.

,,of course! i fucking love driving! i could go for daysss!" he smiled.


,,amor, we're here" alex said shaking me a bit, waking me up.

,,oh — okay" i yawned, stretching my arms. alex laughed, looking at me.

we got out of the car, alex parked on a hill that had an incredible view of LA. it was an hour before the sun started setting. i laid down a blanket, and unpacked our snacks, placing then down to my side. alex sat next to me, putting all the beverages on his side, we were sitting next to each other, in the middle of our blanket.

,,this is so beautiful babe, thank you for this" i said, leaning in to kiss alexs cheek, he smiled, turning his head, giving me a quick peck on my lips.

i grabbed his head, wanting more. alex laughed, placing his lips back to mine. our lips moved in sync, alexs hand found my cheek as his thumb stroked my face lovingly. i ran my hand through his hair, deepening the kiss.

we pulled away, out of breath both smiling ear to ear. alex reached for the food, unpacking the guac and chips, as well as the ham and bacon sandwiches. he started to munch on then. i smiled at the sight.

he looked so beautiful. he was honestly everything i could've ever asked for. when he was too busy, he made sure to text me or at least let me know what he's up to. when he's coming over, he never meets me with empty hands. he tries to teach me more spanish. he's always telling me how proud he is of me, even if i do the smallest task. he cuddles me to sleep after a hard day. he sends me dumb memes, or spanish memes, even though he knows i only understand some words. when we can't hang out, he plays games with me. he makes me laugh like no other person ever.

he truly is, the love of my life.

,,why sre you looking at me like that? am i that beautiful, amor? better take a pic, am i right?" he joked as he posed for the nonexistent picture. i chuckled, looking in his eyes.

,,no, i just. i — i was just thinking about how much i love you and appreciate you. you have no idea how much i love you alex. i really do think that you were truly made just for me" i said as he looked into my eyes, smiling sweetly. his grin grew slowly as he put his hand on his heart.

,,y/n! you're making me blushh! stoppph!" he dramatically covered his face, rocking back and forth. i gently slapped his shoulder, laughing.

,,no but, i feel the exact same way. i literally cannot imagine myself with someone else. you're — you're just the perfect match for me, you know?" i nodded, tears forming in my eyes.

,,awhh! bebé! don't cry!" he said laughing pulling me closer to his body, so my head was in his lap. i covered my face in embarrassment, not wanting to look up at him. he removed my hands to see my red ass face.

,,damn, i can literally see everything from this angle. your double chin, your boogers. oh my god! i think i see your brain!" i chuckled pointing my finger at his nose.

,,Y/NNNN! ¿por qué dirías esoooo?" he removed his hands from mine, quickly covering his nose. i bursted out laughing, he acted offended, turning his body away from mine, acting like he was crying.

i kept laughing, grabbing my stomach. i was laughing so hard it started to hurt.

,,b— babe, co — come on!" i said between laughs, shaking his body, trying to turn it back to face me.

,,i love youuu! you know i love your double chin, no one has one like you do babygirl" i said sweetly, dragging out the 'u', i bit my lip dramatically, acting like a fuck boy. calming down my laughter.

,,you really think so?" alex said turning arouns slowly, tucking some hair behind his ear while smirking, causing me to laugh again, but this time alex turned back to me and joined me.

after i calmed down, alex cupped my cheeks, kissing me again sweetly. i kissed back, smiling into the kiss. he cuddled up to me, as we both watched the sunset.

alex quackity = <3

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