hateful | quackity

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(tw? weed)



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,,alex and his mom are coming over to dinner, be ready in 20." my mom said to me, while i was chatting with her in the kitchen, my mouth swong open.

,,no, no way mom." i said putting both of my hands on the kitchen counter, looking at my mom putting green beans in a pan.

,,yes y/n, alexs mom is my best friend and you two need to get along. i want to spend more time with her without dealing with your teenage drama." my mom said calmly, adding garlic to the green beans and stirring it.

,,okay first of all, he's literally 21 and i'm 19. there's no 'teenage drama'. we just dont like each other. end of the story mom. i won't be spending time with him." i said raising my voice a bit, sounding more defensive than i thought.

,,pass me the salt" my mom said sticking her hand out, still focused on her cooking.

i scoffed, grabbing the salt from the cabinet and handing it to her.

,,y/n, please. dont be a baby. it'll just be a quick dinner, please?" my mom added the salt and then looked at me, smiling.

,,ugh, fine. but just because i love you." i said kissing her cheek and going upstairs to my room to change.

okay, so let me explain the lore behind me and alex.
we went to high school together, and we've been neighbours for a long time. we had this little 'friends with benefits' phase, when we would go to each other's houses and hook up, or just hang out. i would lay on his bed, watching him stream. he would help me with homework or just play games with me. until he got a girlfriend. he logically cut me off completely. stopped talking to me and just ignored me, while his girlfriend was talking shit about me to everyone. after that, i told my mom i dont ever want to see him again. and now? after 3 months of no contact, he's coming back.

i got to my room, and changed into some new clothes. i straightened my hair and did my makeup to look somewhat presentable, but i don't really care.


hi baby girl
i fucking need help!!!9!!1!!1
alex's coming over
help me☺️


my mom invited him and his mom for dinner
bestie help

no way dude
you're fucked

yeah, thanks for the support nick
im so fuckinf nervous i dont want to see him

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