mine already | george

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clay invited me to hang out at his house. i was excited at first, until it hit me, george was gonna be there too.

don't get me wrong, i liked spending time with george, but lately he's been so rude to me. like unnecessarily rude. if i want to say something, he'll cut me off right away, but when i get the chance to speak he just shuts me down by basically making fun of me in some type of way. the more george started doing this, the less i hang out with our friend group. but today clay convinced me, saying that karl, nick and alex are going to be there too, so i agreed to go.

none of our friends seem to notice georges behaviour. i dont know if they're just not acknowledging it, or just simply don't care. either way, it's making me sad when they laugh at the joke or when they dont even stand up for me.

i put on some sweats and a hoodie and headed out of my apartment to my car. driving to clays house, the anxiety immediately started to kick in. i wasn't in the mood for any insult or dumb jokes today, i feel like if george says something, im going to full on blow up on him. i put on some music, trying to distract my thoughts from this whole situation. maybe im overthinking too much, and everything will be fine.

i pulled up to clays house and texted him to come and open the gates. he came 2 minutes later, greeting me with a hug, smiling. i smiled back and followed him to his house, where he led me to the living room.

,,guys! y/n's here!" clay said as we entered the living room.

,,Y/NNN" they all said in sync, standing up and giving me group hug, of course without george, who was just sitting on the sofa. i laughed as they all squeezed me into a feral boys sandwich. they pulled away, i looked at the table and saw many kinds of alcoholic beverages. some of them were already empty, some were open and one was still sealed closed.

,,i see you've already started without me" i chuckled, poiting my finger at the table. the boys laughed as they settled back onto the couch, i sat next to clay. the group started talking, telling random stories.

,,hi george" i said only for him to hear, as i brought my hand up, waving at him gently with a smile on my face, only to be faced with a nod. i rolled my eyes, plopping myself on the couch so i wont have to face him.

,,you guys wanna watch a movie or something?" alex asked, sitting up straight and grabbing the remote.

,,sure! what kind tho?" karl asked focusing all
of his attention to the tv.

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