proud | dream

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,,you okay babe?" clay said lowering his head to my level so he can hear me better.

,,yeah, im good" i said into his ear as i held the side of his face and kissed his cheek gently, trying to overpower the loud noise being people speaking all around us.

clay was invited to some kind of youtuber/influencer event, and he demanded i go with him. there was so many people, with car racing sounds in the background almost overpowering the loud noises the people made.

clay knows i hate big crowds of people, i have a fear of being left alone in a big crowd, just being there all alone by myself, no one to go to. but i know clay wouldn't do that to me, every time we were at a party or an event, he would always stay right by my side.
so i tried to overcome my fears and just went with him, he didn't force me to go, i just wanted to see him happy.

immediately when we stepped into the hall, where were these huge windows displaying the race track, surrounded by hundreds of people, i knew this wasn't going to end well for me, but i still didn't want to ruin this for clay, he looked so happy meeting all of his friends after the reveal.

,,dream! is that you?" we both turned around as we saw larray and bella poarch. clay smiled, letting go of me to hug them, i felt his hand leave my waist, making the cold air hit my waist as i stood behind him awkwardly, watching him hug his friends.
my anxious thoughts were immediately interrupted by my loving boyfriend;

,,guys, this is my girlfriend, y/n!" he said stepping back a bit, pointing at me with his palm, grabbing my hand with his other hand, larrays and bellas attention suddenly turned towards me. i smiled, we've been dating for a long time, but he still managed make my stomach full with butterflies, i loved being introduced as his. his girlfriend.

,,hi y/n! girl you look gorgeous!" larray said as he hugged me ,,its nice to finally meet you! ive been hearing about you since forever" bella added, hugging me as well, i hugged them back awkwardly, not letting go of clays hand.

,,its nice to meet you too guys, ive been hearing about you too! its insane!" i said excitedly, trying to overcome my fears, clay looked at me in awe. he was so proud. he smiled, pecking my forehead as his thumb stroked the back of my hand.

,,dream, should we take a pic?" bella asked clay, holding up her phone, smiling at him as larray squeaked a little, excited.

,,yeah sure, i'll just ask someone to take i-" clay started to look around the room to see any person who would take the photo show up, until i interrupted him, he locked his eyes with mine as he looked down at me;

,,i can take the photo! i — im very camera shy, so.." i said rubbing my arm, looking at clay and then at bella and larray, clays gaze softened, whispering a little 'are you sure?' in my ear, i nodded and grabbed bellas phone, taking the picture.

while i was taking it, george and nick got into the picture, making dumb faces. i started laughing.

,,whats so funny?" bella asked, a bit of annoyance in her voice.

,,look behind you!" i chuckled as all of then turned around, as nick and george screamed, scaring the shit out of them.

,,i got it on video!" i laughed as george and nick ran up to me to watch the video, we laughed as we watched it, the rest joined, watching the video agin. clay came up behind me, wrapping his hand around my waist, kissing my head and watching the video.

the rest of the event we both hung out with clays friends, we were laughing, cracking jokes, telling stories, taking pictures or just chilling. clay never left my side. he always held my hand, occasionally squeezing it to signal if im doing okay, i would look up at him and nod. he smiled and continued to do his things.


,,fuck that was so draining, my social battery is out. but it was also a lot of fun!" i said throwing myself onto mine and clays bed, with already his shirt and my sleep shorts on. i watched clay as he came out of our bathroom in boxers, brushing his teeth. he came up to our dresser, picking out a pair of grey sweatpants, holding the toothbrush in his mouth while putting them on.

he looked at me, still brushing his teeth, smiling a little bit, he went back to the bathroom, slowly caressing my leg as he went. he spit out the toothpaste, rinsed his mouth and layed next to me in bed.

i cuddled up to him, as he put a blanket over us. he put on some netflix, putting on our show that we've been recently watching. he put his arms around the back of head as i laid on his upper chest almost shoulder. rubbing his stomach, occasionally giving him soft kisses on his shoulder.

minutes after watching the show, i felt his eyes watching me, i slowly looked up, seeing him looking at me, his eyes sparkling. i swear to god, this man has the most beautiful eyes ive ever seen. i smiled, putting my hand on his cheek.

,,what?" i asked, breaking the long comfortable silence that was between us until now. clays put his hand on my cheek as i slowly removed mine, he slowly leaned in, giving me a soft loving kiss on the lips, nothing sexual. just pure love. we pulled away, smiling at each other.

,,im so fucking proud of you, y/n. you did so amazing at that event, you were laughing, socialising, just. you did so good, you literally beat your anxietys ass!" he said excitedly, sitting up a bit more. i laughed as i sat up to be more on his height level ,,seriously, you did incredible baby. im so proud of you." he said, holding my face with both of his hands, planting kisses all over my face. i chuckled, pecking his lips when he moved to them, then my forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, jaw.

,,thank you love, i appreciate it. i tried to make it fun for both of us. thank you for not leaving my side the entire event" i smiled, gesturing with my hands as i was speaking.

,,no problem, y/n. i would never leave you. anywhere, never. i love you, you're the best"

,,i love YOU!"

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