twitchcon | sapnap

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me and nick have been dating for over a year. the problem is, no one, except our friends and family knows about it. we both knew, that if we made our relationship public, i would get death threats and mean messages daily, so we just decided to keep this a secret from "sapnaps" fans.

i haven't seen nick since last week, he has been very busy with streaming, the meetup and most importantly twitchcon. he called me so many times, just to tell me, how nervous he is. he isn't the type of guy for these huge events. i always reassured him, that it is going to be okay, and everyone's going to love him.

oh i also forgot about one thing.

i'll be going to twitchon as well.

does nick know? no.
does clay know though? yes.

we planned this together, he was generous enough to pay for my tickets. twitchcon is starting tomorrow, i wont be attending the meet and greet, just be cause i don't want to stress nick out too much. i will however be attending the dream smp panel, and try to get his attention, which i know clay's going to help me with, since he's the mastermind of this.

clay dream

He's so fucking nervous, it's kind of hilarious🤭

fuck off clay, leave him alone🙄

He doesn't suspect anything tho, so that's good. I'll call u tmrw , so i know when u arrive.

okay, thank u again clay

Yeah yeah, yw, i'm the best


i set my phone down, and went to pick out an outfit for tomorrow, i wasn't nervous at all, i was actually very excited, i couldn't wait to surprise nick and see him again. i miss him so very much, he has been nothing but kind to me, we went on holidays, roadtrips, dinners, dates. everything has been perfect, i couldn't imagine a more perfect man in my life. i picked out black, long sleeved dress, and some chunky black boots. all black is always the best. when i was going through my underwear drawer, i heard my phone buzzing, i went to look at my nightstand, nick was calling me.

,,hey!" i said smiling to the phone, picking it up.

,,hi baby, what are you doing?" nick asked, his voice filled with so much love.

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