face reveal | dream

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 -(corny as fuck) -

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(corny as fuck)

,,fuck, he'll call in like 10 minutes, i'm so fucking nervous nick" i said playing with my fingers, calling nick about the face reveal.

me and clay have been friends for a long long time. we always flirted, everyone knows that something is going on between us, it sort of became a meme, but.

i have never seen his face.

yeah, i know. how can you like someone, if you don't know how they look like?

his personality, laugh, jokes, voice, everything about him is just. perfect. sometimes, he would send me photos of like half of his face, so i know bits of his face, but not whole. but the only struggle was, we both know we like each other, but every time someone brings up our relationship or even i want to talk to clay about us, he just shuts down and literally ignores the question. he's always been like this. i never knew why, but i dont want to ruin our 'situationship" i dont know.

,,it'll be fine, y/n, trust me, i see him every day, you have nothing to worry about" nick said laughing.

,,i'm not worried about him being ugly, dumbass, i'm just really nervous" i said, my eyes narrowed.

,,yeah, yeah whatever, anyways, did you book the tickets?" nick asked.

im planning to surprise clay tomorrow, yeah the day of the official face reveal. i already booked the tickets, nick will pick me up from the airport.

,,i did actually, my flight is at 7 am. ill be there at 3 pm" i told nick, showing him the plane tickets on my laptop.

,,fuck! its time, clay's calling me" i yelled and immediately ended the call with nick, i clicked on the record button on my laptop, so i can record my reaction for dreams twitter.

,,okay, um, hi guys! so dream's calling me right now, and im about to answer, im so fucking nervous, im shaking." i said showing my hands to the camera.
i positioned my phone, so that the camera would not pick up clays face, and i answered the call ,,here we go".

when i pressed the green pick up button, there was a black screen for awhile, but then i saw him.

what the fuck.

he is so adorable. he's got a cute button nose, curly fluffly almost brownish hair, and beautiful eyes, fuck, his eyes. he's wearing a dark blue shirt and, rings, h-his hands? oh god.

,,y/n? hi!" he said excitedly, his teeth were so white and straight, he also has little fangs, this man is absolutely adorable.
i just took a minute to stare at him face, with my mouth wide opened.

,,y/n?" clay asked confused, and i finally snapped back into the reality.

,,d-dream, oh my fucking god" i basically screamed, covering my mouth, he laughed.

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