best friend | karl

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i was laying in my room, just scrolling through instagram, looking at photos of me and my friends, casually answering some dms, until i got a text from karl.


Hi, can u come over in 5? We need 2 talk

yea, sure i'll be there asap

we need to talk? what's that supposed to mean? everything was good until now.

well.. good? i don't know if that's the right word.

okay, let me explain;

me and karl have been friends since we were 8, me and my mom moved to a new house in south carolina, which happened to be next to karls house. my mom thought i needed to make some new friends, and saw that our neighbours had kids. she baked her famous apple pie and we went to introduce ourselves. and that's basically how it all started.

sure. me and karl had some arguments along the way, we wont talk for maybe 2 days, but then it all gets back to normal. we spent every holiday together, we hang out almost everyday, he gave me rides to school. when my mom argued with her boyfriend, i would stay at his house and his mom would welcome me with open arms. we were inseparable.

karl house was my home. i think i spent more time there than i do in my own house, and everyone is okay with it. karls parents are sweethearts, sometimes his mom tells me i'm like an another daughter to her. me and karls siblings also love to spend time with each other. i would play games with with his brother, we would go to late night drives and bunch of other things.

just your cliché childhood friendship.

but that all changed when we started to get through puberty, i started to realize things about karl that i never did before.

the way he would look at his cat and always made sure she was okay.
the way he always made sure his mom and siblings were okay.
the way he looked at me at our graduation, eyes full of love. he was so proud.

i was in denial for a while until i finally realized,
i was in love with him, i was in love with karl.

yeah, classic right? a girl falls for her best friend and then they confess to each other and fall in love!

well.. there's one thing i forgot to mention.

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