The day he wore black and white.

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I stood in front of the mirror for the last time as a Ravenfei. My family line ending with me and my estranged uncle who I had received a letter from recently. He was coming to town to see father and come to the wedding. I had no heart to tell him about father just yet. I was sitting in the room given to me by the Phantomhive's and Sebastian was the one doing the flowers from the garden. Mey-Rin and Lizzie were in the room with me as I dressed. My corset breaking my waist down to almost a noodle and making it hard to breathe. The laces cutting into my back. 

"Lizzie, is it right to suffocate me before I wed? I would like to be able to speak during my wedding." I asked her gasping in between. She loosened the laces and I felt the air rush into my lungs.

"Sorry, I just never had the chance to be in a wedding before. I have been to them but never in them. I wonder if my and Ciel's will be as happy as yours and the Undertakers. By the way, what will you call him he has no name that we know of. " She asked as she pulled my underskirt down over my stockings and tull. 

"His name is Adrian actually. But I will still call him my Unnie." I replied as I stretched in my undergarments. My dress was sitting on the chair beside me and I felt a frown reach my lips. 

"Miss what's the matter? This is the happiest day of yer life it is. Why are you frowning?" Mey-rin asked as she set my veil down on the bed.

"I have no one to walk me down the aisle," I replied.  "Father dreamed of walking me down the aisle after saying I was only allowed to marry him and no other man. Well, My brother said that too but that was beside the point. There is no one." I said into my cupped hands as I refused for a tear to ruin this day. 

Lizzie ran forward and hugged my shaking form as she thought. Mey-rin was the first to answer. "What about Sebastian? He seems the most gentlemanly and he seems like a fair choice." 

"But what about Grell, he is her brother figure now." Lizzie offered. Just then a knock was heard at the door and I was pushed back into the changing shield. "You may come in the bride is covered."

Sebastian was the one who opened the door and I peeked from the curtain. "If I may interrupt Sir. Ravenfei is here to see his niece. Lizzie and Mey-rin froze in place and covered their mouths as my uncle finally stepped into the room. He was dressed better than any mortician and grave digger as I was told he was, was. I poked my head from The shield and gasped. He was just like father in face and eyes. He was tall and his (E/C) and (H/C) matched mine. 

He looked around the room, before walking up to Lizzie. "Are you my niece?" He asked with a soft but gruff voice. 

"No sir but she is behind the shield, I am afraid she is not properly dressed for the sight of a man." She replied. I grabbed a robe and used it to cover myself before stepping out. 

"I am, Uncle," I said quietly. His eyes grew wide as his smile did. 

"You look very much like your mother. I was sent a few photographs and even a few when you were a tike. To look at you now a lady and a marrying one as well. Is the lord you are marrying one who will take care of you well?" He asked me.

"I am afraid not Uncle. I am marrying a mortician. It is a grim job and one that needs to be done but I marry not for status. I marry for love as did mother and father. They were poor and only when the business father was in grew did we become of that staus.  Father told me you were in the same profession as my fiance."

"Your father was always a smart man. I was always strong so the role of a gravedigger was placed on me since they could not use me to build the trains and carriages that they needed at the time. The cold was taking many people at the time I was given my job and I had remained there even now. I have borrowed the clothes from a friend I have been living with since he was the only one who would house me on my ten-shilling weeks. Where is your father?" My uncle asked me. 

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