My lover in black

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I woke up on my own bed in my own manor with the smell or a fresh cherry tart flowing from the kitchen. I sat up  and looked around the room wondering how I got home after passing out yesterday. Did Undertaker or Grell bring me home? Probably Grell since he lived here with me and was probably the one who made the cherry tarts. I pulled myself from the bed and went to my wardrobe. I pulled out the dress I wore when I first met Ciel and Sebastian that one day. It was also the day I met Unnie. I wondered how he was doing after that scare and I would visit him after I visited the graves. I began to do that so much that I had a name around London as the mourning miss,

I had tightened the straps and walked down the stairs the smell never wavered nor faded as the sun shined through the curtains that have been drawn for the morning. The dust slowly falling into my sight as I walked my shoes making a small clicking sound on the floors. I think that someone had heard me coming from the loud crash that came from kitchen. I walked into the kitchen where there was a smiling Grell covered in flour. "Good morning!" He called out cheerfully. "I made breakfast and only a small mess."

By small mess he meant 'I destroyed the kitchen and we have to go shopping for more food since I either badly kept it or it was ruined.' How this man ruined my kitchen but still made a wonderful tart was beyond my own knowledge. I simply laughed at his attempt and grabbed the broom and heled him clean up his mess. "Grell? What happened after I had passed out?" Grell went quiet after the words had slipped from my lips before I could even stop them. Ithrul was watching from the top and Savian was at her perch as the tension grew in the room. "Brother?"

"I had a few words with Undertaker before bringing you home. I hated him for what happened even though I knew it was not his fault much. He didn't know about them coming for you but he had a part in it making you upset with his teasing. I don't think I can forgive him and I told him not to come near you. He said he would but only if you came to him would he stop." Grell said not looking at me. Now I know I defiently need to visit him. "You were also out cold for a few days."

This sent me over the edge as I grabbed a few tarts to go in a basket while getting the flowers I needed. Before walking out the cemetery. The streets were filled with whispers of the people once they had found me. I did not are for their words until One man had stopped me from walking. "Mourning over a dead lover probably I could help you forget little miss. No one knows who you mourn for why not take the time to come and have a spot of tea with me while you recover." I grimaced at his words and pushed past him. But he had grabbed my elbow and made me look at him.

"I mourn for my parents, my brother sister and dear friend. Why do you care for whom I mourn when it is my right and my choice which I chose to do. My lover is around and I am visiting him later so get your hand off of me and go find a service girl instead. If you had any gentlemenly nature you would leave me alone." I snapped back taking my arm away from his grip and I saw a few red marks on them. I turned right on my heel and walked into the cemetery gates where there was the sound of someone digging a grave.

I looked and Unnie was there with a shovel in his hand and no smile on his face. I was orried for tht but Moved to my graves and began to replace the flowers. They wilted and withered away to soon and they never had the life that I wished for this yard. "I miss you more than I thought possible. I fear I may have caused trouble just being me. I made a mistake mother and father. I remember you playing tricks on each other upon ocassion but I fear I took that to far with my love." I whispered to the grave hoping and praying for an answer. But I knew in the end I would never get one no matter how hard I wished. I sighed and I saw Unnie was still there but he had finished the grave and was moving to the shed where he kept his tools.

I picked up the baset and moved to the shed hoping to stop him as he was going to go back. His smile never came to his face and he seemed upset with something. It didn't feel right to see him upset and not smiling it actaully scared me when he was like this. He had finished putting his tools away and he turned to something on the walls. He touched it once before turning to the door and spotting me. He froze and I did not knowing what I could do. He moved his bangs away and looked at me with his pretty green eyes. I stepped inside the shed and came closer to him looking down."Hi." It was the only word I could muster to say to him.  

He didn't say anything but walked over with his arms open. Naturally I fell into them placing the basket on the floor. I took in his scent of formaldehyed and I didn't think that I could miss the smell. His arms enveloped me in his and his hair tcked my shoulders as if piled on mine. I gave a shaky sigh as he was breathing heavily. "I thought you would come sooner."He said after a small pause.

"I would have but I was out for the better part of a few days accourding to Grell and that was a shocker to me. I should not have teased you like I did to make you mad at me." I replied. My voice was quiet as we held onto each other. His back was to the door so only I could see his eyes. It was one of the few things that was truly mine from him. "I missed you dearly while I was there, I thought of you most of the time."

"You missed me dearly? I didn't know what had happened to you. I didn't know if you left and went home or if you were just hiding. It was my teasing you in return that sent you away and made you upset and that was what drew Claude in to take you away. I was worried like crazy, even more than I already am. With out out I don't feel any part of the sanity I once had. ______. Please don't be upset about my teasing. It is me who needs to apologize to you." He said as I felt a few drops upon my shoulder.

Pulling back some I looked at my crying lover with worry as I wiped them away. "I do forgive you. I can't stay mad at my mortician, nor can I stand him being completely sane. I wnat the one how would joke with me and eat the dog bones we both loved to eat and make together. I don;t think I am asking much but I want to know what is it that you want from me?"

He hand cupped mine as he looked at me. "Could you stay with me tonight? I have been away from you to long." He whispered. I smiled and covered his eyes with his hair and grabbed him top hat. Placing it on his head I grabbed the basket and linked my arm with his.

"Anything you want my dear." 

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