The man in Black who wed the girl in grey.

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Once on the grounds, I smiled at my husband who hung up his jacket on the hooks. The country house was a small one, probably the only one he could afford seeing as he never took payment with the queen's coins as he called them. The parlor was fitted with a small couch and two chairs. A table was set in the middle as it sat on a rug.

The dining room was not much different furniture with more formal furniture. The kitchen was no different than the one he had at his parlor and I was happy with everything. "How much did this cost you? You don't take payment with coins."

"For this, I took the queen's coins. I can't support a wife and future children on just laughter. Though it sounds like heaven I want to raise my wife right. And the future children which yes we are having at least two. I want a boy and a girl." He said as I brushed away his bangs. 

"Why a boy and a girl then, Lord Ravenfei." I smiled as he looked to the left after I mentioned his new title."

"So someone can take care of our daughter when you pass and she is not alone." He said a bit sadly. It was this talk again. He moved to the parlor and I followed my dress flowing behind me still. Taking the empty seat beside him I grabbed his hand.

"I know that you will live forever and I will die but how did you become a shinigami, they aren't born," I asked.

"You have to kill yourself and then make the right choice. I don't want you to kill yourself to stay with me forever, as much as I want to I don't want you to do that." He said and gave me a look that pleaded with me not to do so.

"But I want to stay with you, I'm not fully human you know, I knew exactly what you, Sebastian, and even the angel that came to the wedding were just by being with you. I understand that there are people I care about going to die with me standing there unaging and that the changes with the society as they will be changing will be hard but nothing in this world comes easy. You had committed the deed before me and I don't want to know the years it has been but if you hadn't would we be here wed, happy, and in love as we are now. If that killer had not come into my house and taken my family from me would I have sent you the letter? I was willing to give up my status and everything I had to be with you and I will do it to stay with you. When I die what will I see?" I said firmly as he stared at me blankly and was horrified as I had wanted to go through with this.

" A reaper and a demon, that's what you will see. Take the hand of the reaper, not the demons. I will wait for you if you are serious, you will awake in my lap." He finally said after pausing, his eyes watched mine intently. "I'll miss these (E/C) eyes. They will turn green like mine. But please be quick this is our honeymoon after all."

I nodded as I gave him a final mortal kiss leaving to the kitchen and grabbed a knife, I gave myself a final look in the mirror as I stabbed myself in the stomach feeling the world become heavy and my world darkening as I fell.


When I woke again I was in the world floating with souls surrounding me as many hands extended in pairs to the souls, but none had extended to me. Many people I watched as I floated in my wedding gown and veil to the void I floated. A few souls came together and whispered around each other asking how or why they came here. A young girl had come to me crying, she had a wound in her head and in her chest. 

"I ended my pain, why are you here?" She asked. 

"To join the one I love." The words flown from my lips as I covered my mouth. I didn't do that. A glow was surrounding each soul now as a pair of hands extended to me and I looked up at the pair. Green eyes on both of the men. They both gave a smile and looked down at me as I shook.

"You're the one who wed the shinigami, befriended a demon, survivor of death and lover to him as well. You came here by your own choice to be with the one you love? Why? Let death take you when it's your time." The one on the right sneered. He smelled like ash and fire, so without thinking any farther I grabbed the hand of the being on the left as the world around me grew white and blue. My eyes fluttering open as I stared at the ceiling of the home we were at. As promised I woke in Adrian's lap. His green eyes smiled as did his lips when I sat myself up. I felt my stomach and saw no blood but felt the mark of my death on it.

"Your eyes are mixed of green and (E/C). You're a shinigami... You choose correctly." He laughed out. "Did they have green eyes both of them?" I looked at him but nodded.

"Yes, they did."

"Then you had the same pair that I had but," He said resting his head against mine, I felt his heart pounding and his smile growing even more than I had ever seen it. "I can have you forever. My little doll, and love."

"Why a doll, dear?" I asked him. He smiled.

"You will never change no matter what they try to do to you. You are made as you are but no matter the changes you will forever have something that proved you were made the way you were born, your eyes are your feature." He said. "Mine was my hair."

"You are a fool you know?"

"Yes, but for eternity I am your fool. Now I think we have put off our duty for too long now. " He laughed while picking me up off the couch and up the stairs. My face flushed as he swiftly moved to the first door and set me down on the ground. The nights at the country house will forever be burned into my memory as we closed the last trunk to the carriage preparing our way home. I looked to my husband as he turned and opened the door to the carriage. I entered and he smiled.

"May I drive you home, my wife?" He asked.

"Only when the swine fly," I remarked and gave him a face as he climbed in behind me.

"So you are saying I should find a way to make swine fly? Alright, I'll start on that when we return to town." He laughed at my disgusted face and his hand grabbed mine as we rode along back to London. The skies overhanging the city no longer seemed grey. For once they were clear.

(Okay that is the end of this book, thank you for reading this and this was a book requested of me from my best friend, I know a few of you asked for a lemon, I can do one but for now, I will end the book. If really wanted I will write one but thank you for reading this book. Now I can start my next one. ~Amnelove)

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