My courter in black

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I don't know how long it took to drown out the yelling Grell made after Undertaker grabbed me and ran off, but I don't mind it. Giggling I heard the many voices of the busy London people. Each chatting in their normal way while judging me and Undertaker. Once we were far enough away he linked his arm with mine and we slowed our running to a peaceful stroll through town

These were moments I loved when I was not cooped up at home have a conversation with Grell over who was cuter. Will or Sebastian which I have never seen Will so my opinion was unsure. Ithrul and Savian would often come with me to his shop when I would bring him some lunches from time to time, which I started to do after I found out he mainly ate the biscuits he made.

He enjoyed them and often would just take me around town afterwards as pay back. He found money from somewhere, I guess he does take some coins from costumers. And the London sky was bright and blue instead of grey today which made this all better. It was at this moment that that someone had stopped us. Before us both stood an officer ushering people away to stand in front of Undertaker.

"Sir I must ask you to release the young lady." I watched his mouth twist into a frown briefly before returning to a smile. How I love that smile. Undertaker moved his arm and gently held my hand as he took one step towards the officer in question.

"Hehe. But why sir? Can't a man simply court a beautiful lady in peace?" He asked making me blush at the words beautiful. Of course the officer noticed this and forced my hand away from Undertakers. Undertakers smile faded as he growled at the officer. "Please it is rude to touch another mans lady I must ask you to step away from her now." His tone of voice went dark there for a moment even causing me to step back once.

"You have been reported with kidnapping this young woman, and forcing her to stay with you. You sir are under arrest." The officer said but Undertaker just laughed after those words.

"Who reported me?" He asked. The laughter must have taken the officer off guard for a moment for he jumped slightly. He then made a grimace and answered calmly.

"Her father reported her missing a few days ago and we have been told you have had her in your hands. So would you please come with me so-" It was a giggle of my own that caused them to look at me. "Ma'am I am trying to save you and get you back home" Again my laugh turn crazily and louder.

"My father is dead. He was murdered about a month ago. So who ever said I was kidnapped was lying. I have no family, my mother was murdered the same day and I am an only child. So who lied to you?" I asked him. His face went red and then confused.

"You speak of your parents death quite strangely Ma'am are you okay?" Again I laughed.

"Sure I am quite alright just tired is all. I have cried enough times about my parents and family I lost in that murder and am now trying to spend a lovely time with my courter. Please call of your search and tell the person that reported me kidnapped to go find another girl to report about." I grabbed Undertaker's hands and promptly left the officer standing there in shock.

Undertaker just went along with me for this. And once we were far enough away he placed a quick kiss on my cheek.  I blushed a bit at his quick gesture and gave him a small smile.

"You never cease to surprise me love~" He said followed by a giggle. I leaned into his side more as we continued till we ended up at his shop. He opened the door for me like a gentleman would and I gave a tiny giggle.

"Since when are we gentlemanly? Who are you and what have you done with my Undertaker?" I said jokingly. He looked back at me with an amused face that read. "I'll play along".

"He is in the coffins in the back deary...For it is I, Claude the stuck up butler for the stuck brat! Fear me if you dare ______!" He said before running over and scooping me up twirling while I giggled. He knocked a few papers off of his desk while he did so, I was giggling to much to get any words out.

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