My boys in Black and Red (Part two)

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Reader's POV

To my surprise he actually let me send the letter to Undertaker and Grell. Though he did have to ask who I was sending the letter to over and over again. I did expect that from this lord though. Claude had watched me write the letters in hope that I didn't beg for them to come after me immediately and get the police involved with this and he was one to proof read for the spelling mistakes. Which I was known not to do in any of my letters. I was sent back to my room after and was dressed by a now stoic Hannah and was greeted by the triplets and their whispers. Its amazing that they live like that and never put their own opinion in.

But that is what the servants do and they have no choice but to do as they are told by their master and Its rather sad to think about it to be honest. We treated our servants and helpers so differently from other manors and that was probably the reason they stayed and loved us like a family. We treated them as such and it was perfect. But when I stay here in the presence of this spoiled boy as he yells at them for rather small and unnecessary details that would be only known by the master.

It was really quite odd as they walked me down the halls of this unfamiliar manor in the gown of the masters choice. I hated what I was forced to wear though it was the masters taste it was a terrible one. The dress reached my ankles and it was more of a maid dress that resembled Hannah's only it was a vibrant red instead of blue. The color did not suit me and the shoes matched. I much rather be in my normal type of clothes. They are easier to walk in and easier to do work in.

The dinning room was not a far walk from the room I was given to stay in and frankly that was great given by pure luck. The room was well lit with a lot of candles and the table was set nicely and perfect to the standards of Alois. There was no one sitting at any of the other chair and I was getting worried that the promise that was made was going to be broken before anything could even happen. I was seated by the clockwise hair boy and the counter clockwise boy poured me a drink. I didn't touch it at all.

As much hospitality was shown here at the manor I trusted none of them. Hannah had poured the drink for Alois and Claude was standing by the door and just waited. The clock on the wall had chimed out six and Claude had opened the door and in stepped the most familiar person I have ever seen. His silver hair stood out about him and my heart skipped a beat. He was dressed up like he was for the ball and then he looked up with his bangs covering his eyes. I wished he didn't cover them but I knew he had to for coming here. Behind him was a certain red head who couldn't keep his mouth shut as soon as he saw me. His heels clicked on the floor loudly as he ran over, pulling me from my chair and hugging me tightly.

"You had me so worried! How could he let that happen to you _______! That's it I forbid for you to stay with him. You don't want to make your brother cry do you?" Grell asked me worried and happy at the same time as I returned his embrace. I felt a few tears drop onto my semi bare shoulder from him and I rubbed his back.

"I'm fine brother. I am not going anywhere except home after this. I just want to go home." I said to him, calming him as best as I could. I pulled away from my brother in red and looked to my lover as he sat down next me in my chair. This kinda set Grell off.

"First you lose her then take my spot next to her at the table? Unnie you are so mean!" He complained. Undertaker gave one of his cute smiles and spoke for the first time since he came here.

"I believe it is my right to sit next to her. Since it was I the lord wanted but you came along since she is your sister of sorts, had to come to see her well being. As I did as well." Undertaker replied to Grell who in reply gave a huff and sat down across from me glaring daggers at Undertaker as he did so. I was seated again and I didn't look up from my plate as Claude brushed past me placing food upon my plate. I shuddered felling his jacket touch the bare parts of my shoulders from this awful dress.

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