The girl in pink

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I waved my courter farewell as he left me alone at the manor. Blowing a kiss and giving a smile before taking the road back to town. I was only alone without a human but Ithrul and Savian had perched themselves upon my shoulders. Turning back to the doors i heard the sound of a carriage pull up in my drive. I glanced back to find a carriage i have never seen before. Inside sat a young girl. I could see the blonde curls anywhere. When the doors opened I expected her to be graceful and elegant but instead the young Lady Lizzie ran up and hugged me tightly. I froze because remembering my manners you curtsied to a lady but I guess she did not care.

I returned the hug and then moved back enough to look at her. Her bright happy eyes said everything. I saw her carriage leave and go back to town and I got confused for a moment before my ravens came to greet her. She laughed as they flew around her thinking she would have treats of some kind. When they saw she didn't they flew away a bit unhappy.

"Leave  them be they wanted treats is all." I said when I saw the disappointment on her face. "Come in Miss Lizzie, I have a bit of bread left, and I had just made some tea. Won't you have some?" I asked giving my best hostess like appearance. I had never really hosted anyone here at the manor before Grell and Undertaker. But both of them were a surprise. And seeing that Grell is moving in I won't have to host him any more. Lizzie walked in and I lead her to the parlor. It was just a nice white room with some silver trim. A few painting hung on the wall of my family and the workers which were family. The only thing that was new in the room were the flowers Undertaker had brought me. They sat in silver vase on a small table next to the couch.

I walked over to the vase and smelled one of the flowers as Lizzie ran around the room like a child in a candy store. Maybe even a toy store knowing the business her fiance runs is a toy shop. The tea I had prepared sat warm in the kettle while the bread once flowing off with steam just remained warm to the touch. The butter was now soft and spreadable where is was once hard and destructive to the soft item. Lizzie had stopped and had taken a slice which she slathered in jam.

I sat on the couch were my courter was and I watched her sit down across from me on the seat that was claimed by Grell earlier. I poured myself another cup of tea while pouring another for Lizzie. She eagerly picked it up and drank down the contents quickly. Her eyes were screaming with child like joy for a lady of her age. "I have your dress Ms. Lizzie. I have washed it and it is drying out on the lines. I will send it to you once the fabric is dry and i will press it, as well as fixing any tears or damaged parts." I said placing my cup upon the silver saucer.

"There is no need for such talk about returning items_____. And please call me Lizzie. Everyone does. I simply came here to give you company. You seemed so lonely at the ball and even in the carriage when Sebastian took you to Ciel's manor. I know you abut the murders here and I must comment on your courage to stay here. Most would have sold the manor and moved away, trying to forget everything about where they once lived. But you stay, why is that." She asked me in a curious way. I gave a soft sigh before turning my attention down to my tea cup.

"Where would I go? I have no lover at the moment, a missing family member that no one knows about but us. I was never really talked about by my parents other than mother at her work, and father at his job. Many there knew I existed but none had ever met me. The only one that might take me in would be a master of mistress. Even though my status here in society stands to rival a lord only by looks, I am no more powerful than a common shop owner. My manor is hidden in the trees and only  knew about it before the murder. I could never be a service girl and I never would want to be. I only know few things about being a maid that mother taught me and i dare not sell fathers stocks right now. 

What would I even do? I am not an educated child and I never had someone to teach me other than mother or father. The gardener taught me to garden and what goes with what. The cook some baking, and my maid taught me how to do some hair and dress preparations. And since I have no father nor husband I would be forbidden to work anywhere in town. " I explained to her. She seemed to listen to every word. Pondering any thought she could to help me in my time of need. Ithrul cam flying in and sat on my wrists. Knowing how I was feeling. Stroking his head softly I sat back in my seat resting my head against the back board. 

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