Imagine #1 part 2

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*the school day has ended*

"Bye, see ya tomorrow" you yelled to (Y/O/F/N) as you only walked with her for 10 minutes and the other 25 you walked alone listening to (your favourite song/album).
You walk quickly and that means having to wait and over take people.
You caught up with a group of boys from your school and after walking slowly behind them for 5 minutes you were getting ready to cross the road and walk on the other side.
Just as you went to cross the road you saw the boys turning the corner so you turned back around and continued walking on the same side of the road.
You approached the corner and went to look up the road checking for cars when you saw (Y/C/N) leaning against the wall texting someone on his phone. As you went to cross the road you hear someone call your name so you turned around confused at who would be calling your name. You looked and only saw (Y/C/N). Before you can ask him if he had called you he asked"can I walk with you? I normally get picked up here but my mum couldn't make it today so I have to walk. I mean only if you want but when I wait for my mum I always notice you walk alone."
Shyly you replied" yeah sure. It would be great to have some company." Your heart was pounding, you couldn't believe this was actually happening! You took off your headphones and put your phone/iPod in your pocket.
As you both crossed the road (Y/C/N) asks " what were you listening to?"
"(Insert favourite song/album)"you replied.
"Never heard that before, is it good?" He questioned.
"Yeah it's pretty good actually." You shyly answered.
*The wind blew your hair over your face*
You sorted your hair out as you both continued walking.
Suddenly you stopped. "What's up?" (Y/C/N) asked.
"Oh yh sorry this my house." You reply.
"Oh, Wow time went by fast!" He exclaimed.
"Yh that walk didn't seem to last that long at all." You called back as you unlocked your front door.
"Hey um (Y/N) can I walk with you again tomorrow as my mum can't pick me up all week." (Y/C/N) sheepishly asked.
"Yeah sure," you answered feeling your cheeks burning up" do you want to listen to (favourite song/album) tomorrow?"
"Yeah thanks, see you tomorrow!" Shouted (Y/C/N)
"See you tomorrow" you shouted back entering your house.

You walked together for another two weeks and then term was up and you had a one week break.

Hey guys is this okay?? Do you want me to continue this or leave it here?? Please comment and vote. Also if you want me to do one for you or have any ideas leave them in the comments.

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