Imagine #4 part 1

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Okay so before I start I'm really sorry guys I've had an idea in my head for a while but haven't wrote it down so here it is, I would also be grateful if you checked out my new book "the boy who stole my bag". Also thanks for getting this book to 1.8k views, wow! Thanks so much guys.

You woke up in the middle of the night and threw up.

You woke up looking at the time , 11:30.
"What I'm missing school" you tried to say but it came out as a whisper.
You remembered that you had been ill and felt a bit better.
You looked at your phone:
Hey Y/N we are guessing your ill so hope you feel better soon and we hope to see you tomorrow xx love (your friends names)
There was another text below:
Hey Y/N hope you don't mind but Y/C/N wanted your number and we have it to him, go get him we knew you like him xx
That made you feel better but then you wondered why Y/C would want your number.

As if reading your mind your phone buzzed, it was a text from a number that wasn't a contact.
Hey Y/N it's me Y/C I hope you don't mind me having your number your friends seemed reluctant at first. I noticed you weren't in today and your friends told me that you were ill. I hope your into tomorrow so I can see you ;). Anyway if you want after school I can pop round with some soup and icecream.

"Omg omg !!!" You screamed in your head. "Y/C wants to see me! He wants to come to my house and I now have is number!!"
You added him as a contact and text him back saying you wouldn't mind him coming round and gave him your address.

You decided to get up and shower and change into some fresh pjs. You put your hair up in a messy bun.
You laid on the sofa with a blanket watching high school musical 2.
"I hate being ill" you muttered to your self, "i hate it as I feel fine now but I have to stay home and be bored"

You had a nap and when you woke up you had a text in your phone that read:
Hey y/n just to let you know I've left school and am home picking up the soup and icecream, be at yours in 10mins.
It had been sent 5 mins ago so you quickly washed your face and sat back on the sofa waiting for him to arrive.

Hey guys so part 2 should be up soon. Please vote and comment as usual xx
Abbie xx

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