Imagine #1 part3

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*back at school*
*last lesson of the first day back, which happens to be math*
You sit down in your seat feeling bored as hell as (Y/F/N) isn't here today so you can't talk to her. Also you have to leave alone and find (Y/O/F/N) without her which is hard as she is taller then you and helps to push people out the way.
Half way through the lesson you feel your phone beep. Luckily your teacher just left to go get some worksheets so you checked it. It was from (Y/O/F/N), she had put : hey umm so I can't walk with you as it's my Nan's birthday and I forget about it, my dad is picking me up. I'm really sorry. See you tomorrow xxx.
Great you thought, first day back and I have to walk home looking like a loner.
*time skip, end of lesson*
Teacher:" you may now leave."
You and the whole class surged towards the door.
You had just got your headphones out when you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned around ready to ask "what do you want" when you saw it was (Y/C/N).
"Hi" you said shyly.
"Hey! Um so (Y/N) can I walk with you today?" He asked looking down at the floor.
"Why is he so nervous" you thought to your self.
"Yh sure."

*walking home listening to (favourite song/ album) together*
"Hey um (Y/N)." (Y/C/N) said looking down at his feet.
"Yeah." You nervously replied, he had never sounded this nervous before.
"Um well... I cancelled my mum picking me up so I could walk with you as you were always alone." He quickly said whilst not fully looking at you.
"Thanks that's really sweet but why me why not anyone else?" You said in a small voice.
" Well umm ... IKindaLikYouAndWantedToGetToKnowYou." (Y/C/N) quickly whispered whilst rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
You froze unsure what to say. "MY CRUSH LIKES ME!!"you screamed to yourself,"HOW THE HELL DO I REPLY??"
You realised that you hadn't said anything and felt bad. He looked really upset and looked away.
"(Y/C/N), really are being serious as I like you, like you a lot and I thought things like this only happened in books." You said looking up at him.
"REALLY!!"(Y/C/N) excitedly said," well umm so do you wanna be like my umm......girlfriend?" He quietly whispered.
"Yes of course, somebody would have to be stupid to say no to you." You replied ecstatically, you could feel you cheeks burning up and you saw a smile creep onto his face.
Smiling to yourself you thought "God that smile is the most cutest thing I've ever seen."

You walked home hand in hand laughing and talking about random things.
You arrived at your door and instead of waving goodbye (Y/C/N) pulled you in for a hug and kissed the top of your head.
"I love you." he whispered.
"I love you too!" You whispered back.
He released you and watched you unlock your door.
"Hey um (Y/N) can I have your number?" (Y/C/N) asked
"Yeah sure it's (your number)." You replied.
"Thanks." He yelled," See you at break tomorrow darling."
Walking into your house you chuckled at his last comment.
You rushed up the stairs and texted both your friends on a group chat and told them all about it.
This was the best day of your life and knew that with (Y/C/N) there clearly would be even more.

Hey guys I think this the end of this story know but I've stated a #2.
Please vote and leave ideas or maybe even requests in the comments.

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