Chapter 22

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Sanjay woke up from his deep sleep and immediately his eyes searched for his wife on the bed. He couldn't find her either in the bed or in the room. He rushed to the bathroom and kept knocking at it to know whether she was inside or not. He gets panic thinking about whether she left him already because of his lies.

He rushed outside to the living room and find his dad reading the newspaper as usual having his favorite coffee. He called him, "Dad, where is she?"

Dad, "Who is that she?"

Sanjay, "Sonam, My wife"

Dad, "Aaahhh, yeah. Both of our wives are in the kitchen"

Sanjay turned to go and stopped when his dad said, "The Coffee is awesome. Your wife made it "

Sanjay smiled and rushed to the kitchen to see her. There she is happily talking with his Mom and helping her with the breakfast.

Both the ladies looked at the kitchen entrance hearing his footsteps and looked shocked seeing his appearance.

Sonam looks at him with no reaction on her face and his mom moved towards him and asked, "Why didn't you get ready yet? Go and get ready fast. We have to do a Pooja."

He nods his head as yes and looked at Sonam before leaving, but she moved her sight away from him and continue her job what she was doing before.

He sighed and goes to his room thinking about how he's going to convince her.


Soon, he joined with his family and glued his eyes at Sonam who is not even considering his presence beside her.

She felt uncomfortable when they have been asked to do the pooja along with Sanjay as a couple. She didn't even look at his face and tried her level best to avoid him as much as possible.

Sanjay's parents noticed the couple and looked at each other for not knowing the problem between them.

Dad, "What's happening?"

Sanjay immediately responds him, "Nothing"

But he looked at Sonam who looks sad and he asked her, "Sonam, You tell me. Any problem?"

Sonam is hesitant to answer him and nods her head as No. Sanjay sighs listening to her but it was noticed by his parents already.

They have got an idea that something is wrong between them and they decided to leave them alone for some time to talk and understand each other.

His dad left from there to make some phone calls and his mom left to the kitchen to continue the cooking, leaving them alone.

Sonam glared at him and rushed to her room. She rushed inside and tried to lock it before he comes, but he came fast and barges in when she tried to stop him.

"Sonam, please listen to me once. Give me a chance"

"I don't want to listen to anything from you. Just leave me alone" she said looking at him angrily.

"Sonu, Please." He paused looking at her and continued, "I Love You"

Sonam feels bad seeing him and tears welled up in her eyes and she said, "I was broken. I was not ready to trust another man in my life but I did trust you. I was ready to give a chance for you, for me....for us. But you broke me...again. You made me a fool and kept on lying to me all these days."

"I know I did lie to you but that was all to make you mine. I was not ready to lose you." he tried to convince her.

She starred at him for a while and said"I don't believe you".

They both are staring at each other for a while until they hear his parents were calling them to the living room.

Sonam is shocked to hear that the elders are leaving abroad to look after their business in overseas.

"Ma, but why suddenly?" she couldn't withstand the fact that she has to be alone with Sanjay until they come back. If it was the situation before she found out his lies means, she would have been very happy to spend time with him but now she didn't even want to face him and how can she live with him alone in this house.

Sanjay couldn't concentrate on anything that they have said. His thoughts are occupied with Sonam's hatred of him and how to convince her.

He just nods his head when they said, they are leaving tomorrow to meet one of their business partner in Bangalore and from there they are flying to Singapore to stay there and look after their business.


Next day, 

Sanjay and Sonam were coming back to their home from the airport after giving a warm send-off to the elders. The drive has been quiet until when Sanjay initiated the talk but she refused him.

Frustrated Sanjay, stopped the car somewhere in the corner and turned towards his beloved wife, who is already looking at him for not knowing why he had stopped the car.

"What?" she asked him casually

"We need to talk, and clear out our misunderstanding," Sanjay said with a lot of hope that she will hear him.

"I have nothing to talk about. I have decided already" she said sternly.

Sanjay is shocked hearing her, "Decided? What have you decided?"

"I'm not going to stay with you." her voice cracked a bit still, she managed to say to him what she wanted to.

Sanjay is outraged listening to her, he started the car and drove at storm speed. He drove without worrying about anything. His face told her, that he was at the peak of his anger.

He stopped the car in front of his house and barged inside without even bothering about her. She got out from her side and followed him to know what's his decision.

"I said something," she said loudly to make sure he heard.

"I didn't hear anything," he also replied while placing himself comfortably on the sofa to relax. 

He smirked looking at her and continued, "If you want time, you can take but don't think that I'll let you go away from me. It's never going to happen."

Tears welled up in her eyes, she didn't say anything but rushed to her room and locked herself. Sanjay didn't follow her or to stop her and thought to give her some time to think and understand. 

After a while, she came down and found Sanjay is on his work call. She waited for him to finish it off but he disconnected it immediately when he finds her waiting for him.

He comes close to her and waits for her to talk and she did.

Sonam, "I'll return to work from tomorrow"

When he didn't say anything, she continued, "I'm not asking your permission, just informing you" with that she left from there leaving him alone.

A smile sparks from him indicating that he is indeed happy that she is not going to stay away from him anymore.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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