Chapter 19

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Sonam's POV:

I kissed him.

I couldn't even believe in myself how did i do that? 

I tangled my lips with his and moved it slowly. I wanted to pull myself off soon from him but i felt his hand at the back of my head push it towards him deeply.

Thoughts were running through my mind. Why should I kiss him? Did I start liking him without realizing it? How can I fall in love again? How can i trust a man again?

My thoughts were stopped immediately when Sanjay pinned me down and rolled himself on top of me without even breaking the kiss.

He slowly bit my lower lip making me moan in pain. It hurts but still i liked it. I couldn't stop moaning when he kept nibbling my lips and slowly he moved his lips down and start pouring wet kisses to my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rubbed his hair while he continue assaulting my skin through his lips. I sniffled when i sense his bite on my neck.                                                                                                                                        All of a sudden, I snapped my eyes open to look at the man who is turning me addictive for his kiss. I locked my eyes with his intense gaze who is already staring at my flushed face.

He rubbed his hands over my face softly and tugged the hair strands behind my ear whispering, "You are making it tough for me to stop taking you right here"

I shifted my gaze away from him to hide my blush and he pecked my lips for one last time while getting up from me and even helped me to get up.

There is a glint of mischievous in his eyes when i looked up at him, he had his smirk on his face but soon he changed his reaction when i noticed it was on me.

We both walked out of that place soon and he dropped me at my flat which I'm sharing it with my friend. He pulled me towards him and steal a quick kiss from me when i bid bye to him.

I saw Geet leaned on the couch watching the songs and jumped in excitement seeing me entering inside the flat with a wide smile.

She hugged me tightly expressing her happiness for me and soon her reaction changed into a squeal and ranting, "Oh my god...oh my god...oh my god" by closing her mouth.

"What happened Geet?" i asked her with concern.

She pulled me with her towards the mirror and pointed at my neck saying, " This happened".

My breathe got hitched looking red mark on my neck, i slowly lift my hand towards the mark and rub it softly murmuring, "He gave me the hickey"

"Is it hickey or hickeys?" Geet mocked me.

Without realizing her mockery, i immediately start searching for the marks over my cleavages on my chest by pulling down my top.

A gasp escaped from her looking at me searching for other marks on my chest, "You reached upto there?"

I ignored her question and gets satisfied of not finding any other marks on my body. I blushed remembering the way he kissed me but my thoughts had been distracted when i heard Geet's powerful shake on me.

"What?" i asked her in a very irritated tone.

"What else happened ? I'm curious to know" she asked excitedly.

I sighed in relief and stepped towards my room, "Nothing happened" but she stopped me in the mid pointing the mark on my neck, "From where did this come when nothing happened?" she glared at me while blocking my way to my room.

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