Chapter 5

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Sonam's POV:

"So, this is  how you used to ogle at me right?" he looks at me expecting an answer from me.

Nothing is responding in me except my eyes keeps blinking at him of not knowing what to say.

I see him gets up and my eyes follow his each move. When he comes forward to me, i step backwards to keep a distance between us. Before i move further,  his hands sneaks into my waist pulling me towards him.

"I don't like it when you move away from me" he removes the hair strand from my face.

I couldn't do anything other than blinking at him and before i get my sense, his lips brush mine softly giving me a goosebumps on my  body.

And before he could proceed more, i push him slightly from me, "What are you doing?"

"What do you think i am doing?" he chuckled and again move towards me.

"It's not right...Sir. I have to go" i gather the strength to reply him.

I hear him chuckle at me and said, "You have asked me to do more than this that night but now you are stopping me?"

"I was not in my senses that night but now I m in very much sense. So please let me go" i keep myself calm as much as possible and from his looks I could see that he is not even bother about what I just said.

He again tried to close the distance between us and before he do so, we both heard a knock and i hear him letting out a sigh yelling at the person outside to come in.

"Sir, we have Mr. Aaryan here" the receptionist informed him about the person who came here to meet him.

"Aaryan? And why he is here now?"  he talks to himself before letting the receptionist out.

"Sonu" he called me.

"It's Sonam, for  you Sir" i corrected him and i really didn't like the way he called me by my nick name.

He rolled his eyes and walks to his seat saying, "Let Aaryan in and book lunch for 3 people at the nearest restaurant"

"Yes sir" by that i rush out to meet Mr. Aaryan.

Walking towards the reception, i see a man who is flirting with Reena, the receptionist and she is happily flirting back with him.

Couldn't help  but i smiled at him and the way he makes her blush by his words.

"Excuse me, Mr. Aaryan" i grabbed his attention towards me.

He turn towards me and looks quizzically of not knowing about me and said, "Yes"

"You can meet Mr. Sanjay. Please go straight and take right. There he is" i said with a smile looking at him.

"Thank you, Miss?" he stops in the mid and looks at me expecting an answer from me.

"Sonam" i said

"Thank you, Miss. Sonam and i guess, you are his beautiful PA right?" he said

I give him a genuine smile and guide him till my desk and show him the way to go to Sanjay's cabin.


I was so keen in doing my work and didn't notice the persons in front of me until i hear a new voice  booming over there.

"You are right Sanjay. She is really a sincere employee" Mr. Aaryan commented on me.

I look up at him and then at my boss who is starring at me with a smile on his face.

Naughty CEO & Cutie PA (On-Hold - Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now