Chapter 7

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Sanjay POV:

I keep starring at the pictures of Sonam in my mobile. She is not aware of it still, i took it when she was not looking at me. I don't know, but she looks amazingly stunning in every pictures. How could I not even noticed this beauty before? Have to go for an eye check up for sure.

The way she was eating her food, the way she looks at me... i mean she blinks at me, the way she was smiling, everything...I'm getting attracted in "everything" of hers. She is something special, a unique piece I should say.

And at any cost, I'm not going to leave her for anyone else. She's born for me...only for me. Whatever play I have to do, i will do and make her mine. 

And the first step in my plan is I told her about a will on my ancestral properties. And she believed me what I said but the truth is, there is no condition as i said in that will.

In fact, the will is as simple as that, it will go to the grandson (it's me of course) when i turn 30 and now I'm in. 

But I haven't get it yet in my hand just because of my dad. He is the guardian for those properties until now and he still has the right to make a condition that he wants me to get married in this year itself and only then he will hand over the properties to me. 

So in one or the other way I have told her the truth that I will be able to get the properties only if I get married.

But now what I need to think about is how to make her accept my deal. Think Man !!!

For a while i become blank of not able to get any plan to convince her but it didn't last. My face becomes bright getting a plan and as per it, i called one of my friend who could give me all the details of Sonam's ex...i didn't even remember his name. FUCK off.


The pictures my friend shared with me is all enough for me to make a plan for revenge. Kudos to you my boy. I just gave him Sonam's details and he now sent me everything about that guy.

His name is Pranav and currently he is with the blonde Nikita who is the daughter of the famous Textile industry, not bad. Pranav is really intelligent to get hold of this girl who is making crores in their business.

But what to do, the sad fact is that here, the one who is making millions is actually sponsoring them to make crores in their business. So ultimately, they work for me, or I give them the work.

Man, i didn't even expect this twist coming at all. Interesting !!!

I made a plan but that will be going to hurt Sonam. But she needs that treatment to come back to me and accept my deal. I'm so sorry Sonam, but at the end all is going to be well. You will understand.

Next Morning, i reached office early and i could see Sonam is arranging my desk neatly, as usual. 

"Good Morning, Sir" she greets me without any expression as if nothing had happened yesterday. 

I know her and I'm her boss, right? I know very well  how to tackle my employees and she will realize it soon, very soon.

I just give her a nod in response and makes my self comfortable in my seat, "Sonam, Can you get me a cup of coffee?"

She nods her head and walks out of my office to the pantry to prepare coffee for me. I like the taste of hers...i mean..i just meant coffee she prepared.

After few mins, she is back now with the coffee and set it on my table. I stop her before she leaves and she looks expecting something from me but she gets clueless when i started talking.

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