Chapter 4

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My eyes goes wide sensing his lips on mine, my conscience kicks me to make sure that i am not dreaming. I blink my eyes twice thinking he will be disappear if i open my eyes but no. I see him so close to me, kissing me deeply every time i open my eyes.

Don't know what came into me all of a sudden, i gather my energy and push him away from me. 

I look at the people around me including the Inspector who stares at us with their mouth open widely. God, it is so embarrassing.

I immediately run out of the station just to go away from them, but don't know where to go...i stopped at the entrance.

"Sonu, Sonu" Geet run behind me shouting my name followed by Vicky. They come beside me and keeps staring at me without saying anything.

I close my eyes sighing, "Just stop staring at me, guys." I am really pissed of right now.

Some one adjust his throat and it's none other than him, my boss.

I turn my face away to avoid him and tried to go but he grabs my arm and pulls me towards him easily.

I keep wiggling at his arms to get myself free from him.

"Stay Still" he whispered holding me into his arms.

I look at my so called friends and they are blinking at us not knowing what to do.

"Leave me" i still wiggling under his arms.

"Ok, i will. But don't be mad on me. Right?" he said calmly.

"How can you expect me not to be mad at you, after all you have said and done there?" i said pointing the station.

"I just state the truth" he said casually.

"Please stop it, ok? And leave my hand first" and finally he released me with a thin line on his lips.

I step back keeping a distance between us and said, "Look Mr. Sanjay, Firstly i apologise for spoiling your precious time from yesterday. I am really sorry for my last night behaviour and the words i said to you. All those means nothing, ok? I was under the influence of alcohol and blurted out some nonsense to you. I am really sorry, but that doesn't allow you to take advantage of me. Just forget whatever happened so far." i just completed saying whatever i wanted to say and he looks at me with a flat expression on his face.

"What?" i asked not understanding what he thinks.

"Are you done? Or anything else you want to say?" he asked me.

"Yes. Forget it. Just forget everything. And don't claim me as your girlfriend anymore. I'M NOT" i really get annoyed seeing him so calm but i get pissed off easily.

He gives me a pleasant smile and comes close to me holding my face in his palms and said, "You are exhausted. Take rest today, Will see you in office tomorrow. Take care" he kiss on my forehead and leave the place without even glancing at me.

I just roll my eyes and turns to find my friends glue to the place where they are.

"Where's the car?" i asked Vicky

"It's there. Come" he lead the way for me and Geet.

"Your CEO is so handsome Sonu" she winks at me.

"I know" i smiled looking at her.

"Then why did you reject him?" she questioned me.

"Geet, just talk with some sense ok? I just had a break up and the reason, you very well know. I am not ready for another relationship again and first of all, he just said that to shut Pranav's mouth. He didn't mean it actually. And if i say him as a hot, sexy and handsome, that's just i have a crush on him and he really look so. I am just fed up of all this ok. I wanted to relax myself for some time and really need to be alone. So, please don't take his topic again. I am getting an headache. All i wanted you to do is, make a strong coffee once we go home, Right?" i finally shut her mouth. Thank God.

The drive to my apartment goes peacefully. Because Vicky concentrated on driving, Geet often gets restless seeing her mobile. Seriously something she is hiding from me and she looks tensed.

Vicky drops both of us and left to his home. Once i entered in, i see the worry in Geet's face. She started pacing here & there, looking at her mobile often.

"Geet?" i called her but no response.

"Geet?" i called again but shakes  her to come to sense.

"What?" she asked me in an irritating tone.

"Where are you girl? I was calling you and you are not giving any response. What's your problem?" i asked.

"Nothing. You wanted coffee right? Let me prepare it" she moves to kitchen and starts preparing the coffee for us.

"Something is bothering you Geet and i could sense it. Will see how long you are going to hide it from me?" 


Next day, i get ready to go to office and i keep chanting to myself to avoid him as much as i can today. Yes, i  have to avoid him because he disturbs me so much. 

I reached office and greets my colleagues morning, i go straight to my cabin and starts looking at my emails. Soon, i see my boss walks towards his cabin, i immediately looks at my system to avoid his gaze and as i guessed it, he gazed me for a few seconds before going to his office.

I sigh after he is gone but that doesn't last for even a minute. I received a call from him, i take it not wanting him to come here.

"Sonam, Can you get me a cup of Coffee?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes saying, "Yes sir". I hang up the call praying that he should not ask me anything about yesterday's happenings.

I get the Coffee of his taste and knock his door before entering in.

I place the Coffee in his desk and thinks to check him whether he is looking at me or not.

I lift my eyes to catch his stare at me, but he is not. Why?

I keep looking at him, not expecting him to gaze his laptop seriously.

My eyes goes widen instantly when he catches me gawking at  him.

Oh no, it goes vice versa.

He smirks at me saying, "So, this is how you used to ogle at me right?"

Nothing is responding in me except my eyes which is keep blinking at him right now.


Sorry for the long gap. Here is your next chapter of Naughty CEO & Cutie PA.

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There will be a spin-off from this book, which is of Geet's. It will be of an intense romantic  book. I will soon post a prologue for the same.

Here is the cover for the book.

Here is the cover for the book

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Naughty CEO & Cutie PA (On-Hold - Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now