Chapter 10

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Sonam POV:

Am I hearing right? I couldn't believe my eyes and ears both. The man who is in front of me is not the one whom I used to work for the past 2 years. He is a completely different man than the one I knew when I joined in his company. He used to be the best boss I have ever worked with. He never ever mis behaved with me in these two years and in fact, he never observed me keenly. Not only me, he treated all our company employees with utmost respect, especially with the female employees. 

I'm really wondered what had happened to my boss? He asked me to marry him and now he is asking me for a dinner date.  For sure, some magic had happened because he is not behaving the way he used to be.

I couldn't even say No for his invite but didn't say Yes also. I don't know why but something is refraining me to answer him. I just keep blinked at him of not knowing what to response.

"I'm waiting for your response, Sonam" i came out of my thoughts when I heard him say.

Still I didn't say anything but struggling to answer him and I guess he noticed me fighting within myself to give a reply for him.

"Take your time. You have 2 hours from now and will be awaiting for your call" he just said that left from my apartment leaving me there to think alone.

I dipped myself in my cushion inside my flat, i was so immersed in his thoughts and all my moments with him came to my mind suddenly. 

I saw the room which is locked from outside was once Pranav's room. I kept starring at the locked room and I failed to notice the tears rolling down my cheeks remembering my lovable moments with him, the day he proposed me, the day we both agreed to be in a relationship officially, when he asked me for a live-in, we both found this flat and liked it. Immediately we shifted here and started living our life happily until I found him cheating on me. And the day came, I was thinking that day would be my memorable day in my life but he broke my heart into millions of pieces being with another lady in the bed. Still that was not forgettable incident in my life but I decided to threw everything related to him out of my mind and my life. 

I moved on. Yes, i moved on but that doesn't mean that I have to go into another relationship immediately. I definitely cannot do that. If I want to be in a relationship then I have to be loyal to him, i have to give my 100% to that relationship but I don't think so that will happen anytime soon.

My self thoughts has been distracted when  mobile starts ringing and it's none other than my dear friend Geet. Good that she called me.

"Yes Geet" i said

She found that I'm not in good mood and that's why I called her my bestie. I told her everything how Sanjay sent me to other workplace and his invite for dinner date also.

She happily asked me to go for the date and told me to enjoy the time being with him. I just rolled my eyes hearing her. She is actually happy that I'm getting importance from Sanjay and she told me to take a chance. Then we talk some random things and finally I myself told her that I wanted to shift this flat and don't want to stay anymore here. She squealed happily and we both decided that i'll be going to shift to her place and will  make it this week end itself.

I felt some relief after talking to her, that's the magic she always did for me. And of course in this happy mood, i decided to give him my response.


Sanjay POV:

I was waiting for her call for more than half an hour after I reach my flat. I was in the urge to call and ask her again but I somehow controlled myself to not to scare her by my behaviour.

I waited for another 10 mins but still i didn't get any call from her, so it's obvious that she is not interested in me. My attraction towards her started from the moment I saw her in the pub and when she fell unconscious on me. The moments I had with her on that night was unforgettable moments in my lifetime. I never thought Sonam could do that kind of mischievous atrocities. She made me mad that night but I loved it. As an employee, i always admired her sincerity and dedication in her work but I never thought about her more than that.

But that night changed perspective about her has been changed completely. An unknown affection drawn myself towards her and I really wanted to be close with her.

I don't want to force her in anything but I want her to give a chance for me to prove that I can keep her happy the way she deserved to be. She is a beautiful woman in and out. I can understand the pain she gone through when she was cheated by that lofer. But I want to wipe out all her sorrows and just fill only happiness in her soul. 

Please Sonam, just give me a chance. Just one chance.

When I keep thinking about her, i get distracted seeing my mobile ringing and I get excited seeing it's from Sonam.

Within no second I picked up the call, "Sonam?"

Silence. I could hear only her breathe.

Few secs later she responded me, "When are you coming to pick me up?"

She should see my face now, i smiled widely realizing that she agreed to come for a dinner with me. And that's my first step in winning her heart. I will slowly conquer her completely and make her mine.

"I'm waiting for your response" i hear she chuckled.

"In another 40 mins, i will be down there in your apartment" i said

"Fine. I will be ready by that time. See you" she said.

"See you soon" i replied happily and disconnected the call. I immediately rush to bathroom to take a bath and get ready for the dinner. It's going to be my first date with Sonam, officially.

As I promised, i got ready in my normal casual wear and was there waiting for her at the apartment's parking. Not to make me wait more, she walks towards me like an angel. Her dress looks simple but elegant. All over, she looks dazzling.

She came to me with a smile, "I'm sorry for making you wait"

"No, that's ok. I just came but I'm happy to wait for you" i said.

She blushed looking at me and not to get late, we both got seated in my car and drive to the restaurant.

Last time, my marriage proposal was not that good and planned one, but tonight I'm going to ask her again. I hope she says yes.

Fingers Crossed !!!


What she will say? Yes or No?

Will wait for the next chapter to know it and there will be more intimate moments in the next chapter. Hope you all like this part.

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