Chapter 9

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Sonam POV:

I attached myself to the window and keep staring outside just to avoid any kind of communication with him. Though he supported me all the while, I'm very much angry on him for putting me in this hell.

He tried to take my hand, i shoved him away not even bothering to look at him. He again did the same thing and i too responded in the same way as before but this time he didn't accept the rejection, he grabbed my arms and pulled me harshly towards him, so close to him means i somehow escaped from sitting on his lap. Our breathe gets hitched with each other, i tried to lean back to avoid his proximity but he leans close towards me.

I felt his hands in waist wraps my body, he stares at me for a while and his view moves to my lips. He left my arms and rubs my lips by his thumb murmuring, "I won't be a gentleman with you always". He rubs my cheeks slightly, "Now tell me, what's your problem?".

I try to push him back and with that effort he pulled me towards him. "I'll tell you but take your hands off me first" like an order for him.

He chuckled looking at me and took off his hands but still didn't allow me to move away from him and i knew there is of no use if i do also.

"I'm waiting" i heard him. 

I didn't make him wait any more, "Why did you send me there? I'm pretty sure you knew that he will be there, so what's your plan in sending me there? Just want me to get hurt seeing him again and again. Is that what you want, seeing me hurt?" when i ask him i couldn't control the tears in my eyes. I know I'm a strong person but still few things which will hurt badly and pranav's cheating on me is one of the worst thing i faced in my life. I loved him truly, i was so loyal for him, i trusted him blindly, i never let him feel inferior though he was not able to earn as much as i did but still i was ready to support him to any extreme but what he did to me was Unforgettable and Unforgivable for me, but now what my boss doing is like pouring oil into a burning fire.

I could see the hurt in his eyes, may be because of my tears i hope it affected him much. I wiped it and stare at him waiting for an answer. 

He sighed looking at me and turn his face away from me, may be to hide something.  "You were waiting to hear my problem? I said it and now I'm waiting for my answer from you" i made it very clear.

I could sense his body is stiffened, he looked at me but said, "It's just for my work purpose Sonam. There is no other reason apart from this. Believe me"

"What about Pranav? You knew that he is with her right?"

He turned away from me, "No way. I didn't know that".

"You knew it. Don't lie to me"

"I just know that she is with some guy but i was not aware that guy is your ex" he said

I didn't say anything but just kept looking at him and he finished saying, "Trust me, Sonam."

I moved my gaze away from him and focus on the road leaving a sigh of not knowing what to say.


Sanjay POV:

From the time we have been in the car, she was not looking at me at all, just looking outside the car and sitting far away from me. I just feel disappointed but more than me she is actually.

I know very well what's going on in her little brain. Looks like she is in angry with me ,right now .

So what? Let her be angry i don't mind and she has all the rights to get angry on me.

I tried to touch her, she shoved me. I did it again and she did the same again. That's it, now i will show her my way.

I grabbed her arms harshly and pulled her towards me, and i must say she is not that easy to give up. She leans back away from me and likewise I'm not going to leave her. I wrap her waist by my arms and with a swift i pulled her to me.

She is really testing my patience on behaving like a gentle man, of course I'm not.

She blinks at me, i want to taste her lips once again but this is not the right time. I left her arms and softly rub her lips by my thumb, it was so tough, means so tough to control my feelings of not kissing her, i mumbled telling her that i cannot behave like a gentle man with her always  and I'm afraid whether i may lost my control over her and asking her to let me know what's her problem.

She ordered me, like really. She ordered me to take my hands off from her and that's a painful task for me.

I left her from my grip and immediately she moved away from me swiftly to corner of the seat.

She told me what's her problem and what was the reason to send her there.

How can i tell her the truth? I'm sure she will go mad at me. If she knows about my plan, everything will be ruined. I will not let it happen. I have to convince her saying some lies. I know few lies are acceptable to have a good ending. So i lied to her, on her face with no option left.

"It's just for my work purpose Sonam. There is no other reason apart from this. Believe me" seriously, i asked her to believe me. 

I'm not sure she is convinced or not but her next question comes about Pranav. I knew it but this won't be the answer for her.

I said i was not aware of it. I hope she would believe me but just with her expression i got no clue.

Without saying anything, she looked away from me, focus on the road heaving a sigh.

Honestly, i was praying god that she should not ask any more questions and whatever i told her she should believe. Only god knows what's running in her mind.

We reached her flat, before she takes all her things and get down, i went to her side to open the door for her, she looks surprised and gets down from the car. I smile at her expression, she was not able to smile at me, not getting happy, not able to maintain the angry at me & some kind of unknown emotion she held in her face.

 Alas, she said "Thank you" with a smile and that's enough for me to know that she is not in angry with me anymore.

I want to make her happy, i don't want her to be upset thinking about that pervert anymore.

"Can we have dinner together tonight?" i asked her hoping that she will agree.

Shocked. Literally she is shocked hearing me. She is working for me for the past 2 years and this was the first time i asked her to go out with me. i really hope she will say Yes. 

Fingers crossed !!!


Hello my Fellows :)

How was the chapter? Hope  you all like it.

Will Sonam say Yes? Sanjay is going to make her fall for him without her knowledge and dinner date may be the first step for it. Will see what will be her reply.

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