Chapter 12

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Sonam POV:

I could sense that he is bit disappointed when I said NO. Within a second, he changed his expression and come close to me by taking my face in his hands and said, "I know, it's too fast for you but I want you to give a chance for me, for us. If not for real at least, i want you to help me in getting my ancestral properties in my name"

I looked at him in a confusion, "How?"

"I want you to marry me, only to get the properties in my name. This marriage is going to be just for the name sake. It's not going to be real but a reel one. Just fake it" he finished saying and looking at my face for a response.

To be honest, i don't know what to say. I just stand like a statue there of not knowing what to say yes or no.

"But why me? How long we have to fake this marriage? And what I'm going to get at the end?" I start shooting my questions continuously at him.

"Ok, i will answer your questions one by one. First, why you?" he paused and I nodded my head.

"Because, i trust you the most. More than my love for you, i have much more trust in you. As far as I know, you are one of the girls who doesn't run behind the money. I can trust you in that completely"

He continued, "Second, how long? My answer would be at least for a year we have to be husband and wife. After a year, if you want to go away from me, i won't stop you. I promise you"

When he gave me the answer for the second question, he doesn't even look at my face.

"Third, What you are going to get at the end? And it will be whatever you ask for. Anything, just ask anything and I will give you whatever you ask. You can trust me on that." he gave me his gentle smile and continued, "Do you have any other questions to ask?"

"I...i just...need...time" i said stuttering.

"Fine. Take your time and let me know but decide as soon as possible" He replied curtly. I think he is hurt.

"Shall we leave?" he asked me and I nodded as yes.

We both didn't have any conversation until we reached my flat. He quickly came to my side and opened the door for me to get down, i couldn't stop but smiled at him looking at his sweet gesture.

"Thank you" i mumbled and moved away from car.

"Good Night" i said looking at him and before I think what just happened he kissed me but on my cheek. I don't know why but I kind of felt sad thinking why just kissed me on my cheek.

I just closed my eyes feeling his breathe on my face and I can sense that he is lifting my chin towards up.

I slowly opened my eyes to look at him, i could match up mine with his gaze. My eyes moved from his eyes to his lips. I could see his lips are getting dry  and he is licking it the same way I'm doing it right now.

He already kissed me in the police station but that was not the expected one and i was not happy for that too, but i myself want to kiss him now. But I don't think so it will be right. I don't want to give any false hopes to him, i have to get control on myself.

I removed his hands from my face and moved back slightly hinting that he can leave now.

He chuckled looking at my reaction, he mumbled, "Good Night, Sweet dreams" as usual with his cute smile.

I too smiled at him and wave as bye. He didn't delay it more and quickly get into his car and left.

I just stared at the way he left, he left me alone to think what had happened in this one day. 

I get attached to him without my knowledge but I'm afraid to trust another man in the name of love. He said he is in love with me but at the same time, he said that he wanted to marry me to get his properties back to his name. I'm confused right now.

Is he really in love with me and want to get married to me or he just want me for his properties?

I walked to my flat like a zombie and my mind is full and full of his thoughts. I couldn't think anything else apart from him.

What should i do now?


A bit smaller one. hope you like it.

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