Chapter 21

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Third POV:

"Can you please listen to me once?" Sanjay is on his kness in front of Sonam who is sitting on the edge of the bed.

"No, I'll not listen to you anymore. You are a liar" tears flickered from her eyes.

"Sonu, Please just listen to me once. I'll explain everything to you" he tried to convince her but she shoved him away from her.

"Don't call me like that. And what's there to listen? Again a new lie?" she paused her words looking at him and continued, "I told you already that you should not hide anything from me but you still did it. Didn't you see everyone there laughing at me?" Sonam bursted out her anger at him.

"Sonam, please. I'm sorry. I said that because i don't want to take a chance of losing you. I was not sure whether you will love me or not , but at least by this way i thought i can get you in my life and thought to hold you back with me even when you will get to know the truth one day" he tried to hold her hands.

She pushed him away from her, "What the hell are you saying? Either this way or that way? Am i an object for you? Don't i have feelings? You couldn't wait for me isn't it?"

"It's not like that, Sonam. Please try to understand me" he's doing his best to console her but all his efforts are in vain.


@Marriage Hall,

Sanjay didn't want to leave a chance for Sonam to re-think about her decision in marrying him or in getting a way to find his lies. Their marriage happened so fast and now they are receiving the guests in their reception.

"You are looking gorgeous" he kept starring at her and whispered in her ear.

"Thank you !!! and you are also looking handsome" she replied shyly.

They both shared an intense eye lock and soon it's been distracted by an elder person who has been holding by father Dhanraj.

Dhanraj, "Sanjay, you met him already right? My old friend Mr. Diwakar." 

He blessed  them, "Wish you a very happy married life to both of you" he wished them and looked at Dhanraj and said, "What's next Dhanraj?" with a wide grin on his face.

Dhanraj, "I'm going to wait for my grandson or granddaughter. Sanjay is looking at the business and I'm already out of it. So it's time for me to play with my grand children."

Sonam blushed hearing them and looked at Sanjay who is already staring at her with love and winked at her with a grin on his face.

Diwakar, "I'm so happy for you Dhanraj. So, you are saying that from now...we cannot see you in our office and only Sanjay will be the sole responsibility for your business. Right?"

Dhanraj, "Of course, i didn't keep anything pending for my son. Even our ancestral properties issues are solved and are already been transferred to his name on his 30th birthday few months back. So i have cleared all the obstacles for my son to handle this business smoothly and he is already doing it well"

Sanjay and Sonam's face clearly depict the shocking expression once they heard what Dhanraj said. Sonam turned to look at Sanjay who is already staring at her with a pleading look.

"You said, there is a problem in getting your ancestral properties and you will be getting it only after your marriage and after my sign as your wife" Sonam whispered at him with a slight doubt on her voice.

Dhanraj heard her and chuckled, "What? What are you saying? Who said it? My son is the only rightful heir for our ancestral properties and why does he have a problem in getting it? It has been transferred to his name long back and everything including our company holds his name" he said it proudly but did not understand the meaning of the newly married couple's look on each other.


"Please leave me alone" she yelled at him and pushed him back when he tried to hold her in his grip.

"Don't touch me. You were lying to me all these days. How could you do this?" and now she started crying while looking at him.

"I don't want to loose you Sonam. I couldn't think anything else to get you in my life. And i seriously regret for hiding this truth. But i did this because, I love you. I want you." he tried to justify him.

"Stop it. Just stop it. I don't want to hear your lies anymore.

"I'm saying this from my heart. I really love you and I don't want to loose you at any cost. I want you to be mine". he tried to hold her hands but she jerked off and pushed him back.

"I trusted you" she paused for few seconds while looking at him and continued, "but not anymore"

"Don't say like that. We are husband and wife now. Let's just forget the past and move on happily" he tried his best to convince her but the way she looked at him clearly said that she is not the one to get it convinced that easily.

"Yes, we are husband and wife but it's only for others. Inside this room, we are two individuals. You cheated me. I cannot forget or forgive you so easily after knowing your lies all these days". she said sternly.

Without waiting for his response, she moved and occupied the right corner of the bed and said,"I need some time". She laid down and closed her eyes pretending to sleep.

Sanjay looked at his love hoping that she will understand him and his love one day. He walked towards the bed and laid down beside her looking at her back and murmured, "Good Night".

Sonam is still awake and wiped her tears recalling the moments she spent with Sanjay of how he lied to her all those days.


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