Chapter 15

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The drive was so calm until he take my hands into his and handling the steering in another hand. I feel so tensed by his touch and i tried to take it back but his grip was strong enough to hold it back in his hand. 

"Just stay, Please" he whispered without taking his eyes off from the road.

I couldn't say no after that and just stayed as he said. Couldn't help but smiled looking at him who is already flashing his winning smile at me.

"I liked this moment. I liked the way you surrendered to me, finally" he winked at me.

"Well, i just gave my hand, not my life. Don't be so proud of yourself" i replied him back with a smirk.

"Giving yourself completely to me will happen one day for sure. I have no doubt about that" he said very confidently makes me rolling my eyes and look away from him.

I stare at outside through the window without giving a reply to him so that, i can stop his winning smile.

Soon, we reached the venue. I don't need to say that, as usual he got down first and came to my side to open the door for me and give his hands  while flashing his sexy smile at me.

I nod and extend my hands out towards him to hold, with an appreciating smile on my face for his gesture.

He wraps his arms around my waist by pulling me towards his body, he raised his eye brows signing me to go inside.

We both walk inside the party venue, on the way he met his guests and greets them with a wide smile on his face. Everyone out there was greeting him back with a surprise look, obviously and that look was for me.

He take me to the table he reserved for us saying, "Just be here for sometime. I will be back soon"

Before he leaves, he informed the waiter to give the drinks what i need and left.

I didn't feel alone until i saw the couple whom i never wanted to see at all, but here they are.

I rolled my eyes looking at them walking inside together by holding their hands with a wide grin on their face.

I see them coming towards me and both of them having an evil smirk on their face. Oh, how i badly want to wipe out that smirk by slapping each.

"Why are you sitting alone? You don't have anyone to accompany you?" it's none other than Nikita who started taunting me.

I just concentrated on my drinks ignoring her and waiting for him to be back.

Unfortunately, they both take the same table of ours and sit opposite to me, just to irritate me more.

"Hey you? First of all, who asked you to come for this party? As far as i remember, you were not invited right?" she smirked making me remembering how Sanjay ignored me while inviting others for the party in the office.

I tried my best to avoid answering her thinking that she will at least move away seeing me ignoring her but that dumb lady doesn't understand my cue for her to leave me alone.

I started looking around the place to find him but he is no where to be seen.

"Why do you still sitting here? Whom are you waiting for?" she kept irritating me by bickering some nonsense.

"Why don't you just shut your fucking mouth and leave from here?" I literally scolded her but make sure that others doesn't hear me.

Instead of leaving me alone, she just laughed at me and said, "I know, you are getting jealousy seeing me with my man and you are with no one beside you. You deserve this, bitch"

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