Chapter 5

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Her feet ached, that's all she could think about. She hated wearing these shoes, but they're the only ones she had that went with the damn dress she had to wear. It wasn't an ugly dress; it was actually a really nice dress. The back was lower than she wished, and she was sure if she moved the wrong way the fading bruise on her back would be visible, but it wasn't the worst dress she'd ever worn. She held on to Jordan's arm loosely, but he seemed to be gripping on to her a little too tight and it just made her feel more uncomfortable as they walked into the hall that had been booked for the event.

She put on the fake smile as they greeted his co-workers and made polite conversation where appropriate. She'd played the part of happy trophy wife so many times before it came as second nature to her now. She had to forget she was actually a surgeon herself, a pretty great one at that. Here she was the wife. That's all she was reduced to. She wasn't to speak about herself, about her own achievements or research.

"I'm just going to go to the bar and get drinks," she murmured, thankful that he allowed her to pull away so she could head over to the bar, ordering his usual drink and keeping hers non-alcoholic. As much as she needed the drink, she didn't want to deal with the fall out if he found out.

She returned to him, and he kissed her cheek in thanks as he took the drink from her, but didn't say another word, continuing his conversation and ignoring her. She stood quietly beside him as he spoke with one of his co-workers, until he pulled away from her, talk of needing a private conversation with one of his bosses. She nodded, resisting the urge to roll her eyes as she moved to go stand by the bar while she waited for him.

As she stood there, sipping at her club soda, a man she hadn't met before approached her. She could admit, he was rather good looking, and she gave him a small smile, not being fake for the first time since she'd arrived.

"Hey, you're looking pretty lonely stood here," he greeted her with a grin.

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for someone. I thought I'd met everyone here, are you new?" she asked, playing with the thin red straw in her club soda.

"Yeah, I joined the practice two weeks ago, I haven't seen you around either, are you new as well?" he asked, moving along the bar to stand closer to her.

"Oh, I don't, I'm a doctor, yeah, I'm a surgeon, I don't work at the practice, though," she explained with a smile, glad for the temporary distraction, "What's your specialty?"

"A surgeon? Impressive. I'm just a paediatrician. What's do you specialise in?" he asked, giving her a kilowatt smile as he continued on the conversation.

"I'm starting my fellowship soon, neurosurgery," she explained, keeping up the act that she hadn't started the fellowship yet. She just enjoyed actually being asked about her own job rather than being immediately identified as Jordan's wife.

"Neurosurgery? Even more impressive... wait, I recognise you, kind of," the guy frowned slightly as he tried to place her.

"Ellis Grey?" she rose an eyebrow, "I'm her daughter. That's how people normally recognise me."

"That's it! Ellis Grey, wow. If you're her daughter then you must be a pretty impressive surgeon," he nodded, tipping his drink toward her before taking a sip.

"Well, I like to think so," she laughed softly, allowing herself to loosen up for a moment, be that arrogant neurosurgeon stereotype she heard so much about, and had seen from others in her field. The personality trait she'd kept rather hidden.

Before the stranger at the bar could respond, she felt an arm slide around her waist, "Excuse us, I need to talk to my wife."

She almost dropped her glass at his sudden touch, not even realising he had been anywhere close. Jordan took her through a side door and her stomach dropped as he backed her up against a wall in the otherwise empty hallway.

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