Chapter 21

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Hey! As some of you might now, I'm doing my masters in creative writing, and I'm trying to write in different POV. I've switch ed to first person from Meredith's POV for while, and I'd love to hear any feedback anyone might have! Thank you so much for still sticking with me.

Quick update for my other works: Forever and Always has been discontinued. I'm not happy with how I've written it and the direction of the story so far, so i'm toying with a few other story ideas and hopefully at some point will start reposting that sequel. As always, I post updates on my twitter MadAboutGrey! There's also other random life updates on there, and Grey's nights get a bit wild, so enter at your own risk!

At the moment, I'm gong to focus on posting this story and have many, many plans for it! And yes, I am working on the sequel for Everyone Has Secrets, I haven't forgotten about it!

Thanks for reading :)


"What's the plan?" I turned to look at Derek as he parked the car. My leg wouldn't stop bouncing.

"It's not really a plan," he shrugged as he switched off the engine. "We're going to go into work, and you're going to work with me for today, and we'll see how it goes."

"And if shows up? What then?" I asked, chewing on my thumbnail. I turned to look out the window, not wanting my face to betray the nervousness I was feeling.

"Meredith," he said, his hand touching my bouncing leg to settle it. "it's going to be okay. If he shows up, we'll deal with it. I'll call the police if I have to."

"No, you can't do that," my head turned sharply to look at him, fear instilled in me. "Please don't do that."

"Look," he sighed. "We'll cross that bridge if we have to. So far, we know he isn't here, and Richard told him not to come back. It's likely we don't have to get the police involved."

I nodded, placing my hand on to pof his silently. I took a deep breath, grounding myself. Derek wasn't going to leave my side. I would be okay; he would make sure of it. As much as I craved my own independence, I didn't stand a chance if I was left alone with Jordan.

I got out of the car, grabbing my bag and throwing it over my shoulder. The weather was getting colder, sending a chill through me as I tried to pull my coat closer around myself. I'd have to buy maternity clothes soon, and a bigger coat, everything felt snug in an uncomfortable way.

Derek came to stand beside me, his hand touching my lower back. I felt his lips kissing the side of my head and I responded with a small smile.

"We'll get through today, and then we can go out for dinner, maybe?"

"Dinner..." I murmured, leaning against him slightly. "Dinner sounds nice."

"I can hear a 'but' in your answer," his arm moved around me more securely as we made our way inside the hospital.

"I'm still married, Derek," I sighed softly, looking up at him as we stood in the empty elevator together. "Does that not bother you?"

His hand lifted to cup my face, smiling at me. His thumb stroked my cheek. "The circumstances are different; it doesn't bother me. Does it make you uncomfortable?"

"Not uncomfortable, I just... I'm not a cheater. I don't want to be that. And if he doesn't sign the divorce papers, I'm not entirely sure where that leaves us," I frowned, turning my head away.

"Let's go to my office, we can talk there," Derek said as the elevator doors opened again.

His hand dropped to the small of my back, and I walked close by his side into the office, both of us in silence. I sat down on the couch, my head dropping into my hands. I felt his weight dip the cushion beside me, but he didn't touch me.

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