Chapter 19

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She glanced around at their surroundings after climbing out of the car. They were in a field, surrounded by forest that was only split up by a dirt track he'd driven his Porsche down to get them there. In the middle of the field stood a silver trailer.

Now, she knew nothing about the worth of trailers, but looking at this one she was sure it was on the more new, expensive side, and he can't have owned it or used it for very long. She looked at it for a moment longer before looking over at him with an amused grin.

"This is yours?" She asked.

"It certainly is," he nodded with a short laugh, his hands going into his pockets, "and before you ask, yes there is running water, and yes there is heating."

"I like it," she nodded, walking towards it, "It's very... you, in a surprising way."

"What do you mean?" He asked, going ahead of her to unlock the door, holding it open for her.

"I don't know," she shrugged, "If someone had asked, me where I thought Dr Derek Shepherd lived, I wouldn't have said a trailer in the middle of nowhere on Bainsbridge Island. But now that I've seen it, and I know it is where you live, I can totally see it."

He chuckled, shaking his head in amusement as he led her inside, holding his arm out at the small space. She looked around, taking in the slightly cramped interior. It was definitely a space meant for just one person, which again led her to wondering if she would be staying here alone.

A double bed sat at the far end, overlooked by curtained windows. A short walkway had two doors on either side, she assumed to be a shower and a toilet. Right in the main space was the kitchen area, with a booth-style table set up. It was quaint, and cute, sparsely decorated. And it was going to be her home for the foreseeable future.

It wasn't the worst situation she could be in; she could be back in Boston.

"What do you think?" He asked quietly.

"I think it's perfect for the current situation," she shrugged, turning to him, "You own the land?"

"Forty acres. No idea what I'm going to do with it," he grinned at her.

"Full of surprises," she laughed, shaking her head as her laugh turned into a yawn.

"Do you want to take a nap while I sort out something to eat?" He asked, moving to take her coat as she shrugged it off.

"Will you judge me if I sleep in the scrubs?" She asked, giving him her coat.

"I'll never judge you," he told her sincerely, setting the coat down.

She nodded with a soft smile, going over to the bed and climbing in. It was comfier than it looked, and he'd not cheaped out with the quality of the covers. She got herself bundled up in blankets, sitting up a moment, catching Derek watching her.

"Thank you," she said, giving him a genuine smile.

"It's really not a problem, Meredith," he responded, smiling back, "Get some sleep."

She nodded as she lay back down, getting herself comfortable and cocooned in the blankets. It didn't take long until she fell asleep, exhausted from the emotion of the day.


Once he'd served the pasta into separate bowls, setting them on the table with the choice of cheese and drinks for them both, he moved to the end of the trailer, watching Meredith sleep a moment. She looked so peaceful, her lips slightly parted as she slept soundly. He had ben pretty sure before last night she hadn't been getting enough sleep, and he wanted that to change. She'd need as much sleep as possible.

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